Equinix Customer Portal Release Notes

Release Notes

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Functional Learning Demos

Cross-Release Videos

The Equinix Customer Portal provides round-the-clock, year-round access to manage your users and services with us online. You can order IBX data center products and services directly through the portal using your desktop computer or mobile device. The portal also allows you to schedule services, place orders, check the status of your orders, access reports and account details, view invoices and purchase orders, submit trouble tickets, and more — all of which can boost your productivity and efficiency.

Release Date

Equinix Customer Portal 2024.3 is available Jun 2024. This release includes enhancements to Orders and Tickets History.

Orders and Tickets History Enhancements

We've enhanced the order tracking experience for Scheduled Smart Hands requests. A clear and prominent response deadline now appears within your order details. By responding within the designated time frame, you equip our team with the necessary details to complete your request efficiently.

If we don't receive a response by the deadline, we'll be unable to fulfill your request and the order will be cancelled. To ensure a smooth experience, we recommend reviewing your order details and responding promptly. This ensures Equinix has all the information needed to meet your desired service timeline.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2024.2 is available Apr 2024. This release includes enhancements to purchase order management, and Excel report generation for Inventory.

Purchase Order Enhancements

  • Added last updated details to the purchase order. You can now see timestamp, ID and email of the user who last edited the purchase order.

  • You can now view and download the Purchase Order document for submitted blanket POs.

Inventory - Generate Excel Reports

From Inventory screen, you can now click on Generate Report to request for an Inventory Excel report. The report will be generated and can be downloaded from Report Center. This report will contain a full list of assets that you have selected based on filters that you have input. With the downloaded Excel report, you can conduct your own analysis of your organization’s assets.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2024.1 is available Feb 2024. This release includes enhancements to Install Base report and Orders and Tickets History, changes to User Details Report and a new feature - IBX Technical Details.

Install Base Report Enhancements

Install Base Report now displays a new column "CAGE/CAB Restriction Type" in the Cabinet sub-report, providing easy access to restriction details for individual cabinets. This enhancement helps you quickly identify restrictions, make informed decisions, and improve compliance management.

Order and Tickets History Enhancements

Orders and Ticket History now includes tracking for Private Cage orders. Easily monitor the status of your Private Cage orders directly within the existing page. This update simplifies order tracking and provides better visibility into your Private Cage purchases.

User Details Report

Due to ongoing concerns with data reliability, ordering for Smart View Environmental Sensors has been disabled within the Equinix Customer Portal. As a result, the "Place Smart View Environmental Sensors Order" column has been removed from the User Details Report (Smart View sub-report). While this decision may impact your monitoring plans, it reflects our commitment to providing accurate and reliable data. Existing Environmental Sensor users will maintain access to their currently deployed sensors.

IBX Technical Details

Learn more information about your data center with IBX Technical Details, a new feature within Equinix Customer Portal. Dive deep into the specifications of each IBX, including location, power, connectivity, physical configurations and more. This transparency empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your infrastructure with confidence.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.6 is available Dec 2023. This release includes updates to the Navigation Menu, Inventory, Blanket PO Management, Global Billing Accounts and Order History.

Persistent Navigation Menu

We have improved our navigation menu so that you can more easily access the products you need to. Instead of clicking on the hamburger icon to access other product portals, the product icons will be persistently available in a left sidebar. This improves navigation by reducing the number of clicks needed to reach the portal you need to access.

Inventory Available To More Customers

Following our initial introduction of Inventory in our June release 2023.3, we have now opened up this feature to more customers. Inventory is a comprehensive asset tracking system which provides a holistic view of customers' assets. This feature resolves the pain points customers are experiencing with existing Install Base.

Note that only Master Administrators can access this feature.

Purchase Order Management - Blanket Purchase Orders

This release has added the ability to create Blanket Purchase Orders. Blanket purchase orders are a type of purchase order that is used to authorize multiple transactions over a specific period of time. Instead of creating individual purchase orders for each transaction, a blanket purchase order streamlines the ordering process.

  • You can create your own Purchase Orders and will have visibility of its progress. (Note: Purchase Orders will take 1-3 hours to appear in the system)

  • You can then track those Purchase Orders independently.

‘Global’ Billing Accounts

‘Global’ Billing Account allows you to create a unified billing account to seamlessly purchase Equinix digital products across multiple countries, all with a single currency. This streamlined process enables you to receive a consolidated invoice for all their deployments.

Currently, this feature is available for:

  • Network Edge virtual devices (along with associated Fabric virtual connections)

  • Fabric Cloud Routers

  • Fabric remote ports (utilized for Connecting-to-Network-Service with Network Edge devices)

Order History

Order Status Summary

You can now view a summary for an order. This feature is especially useful for large orders which may contain hundreds of individual items in a single order. Instead of having to manually reviewing the status each item, the order status summary offers a comprehensive overview of all assets, along with the respective quantities in each status.

Improved Space Restriction Details

Space Restriction orders now includes details of the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.5 is available Oct 2023. This release includes updates to Billing History.

Billing History

Enhanced Account Summary

In the Account Summary table, we've introduced two additional columns, allowing you to quickly access essential information:

  • Status - For Invoices, this shows whether payment is Closed, Due or Overdue. For Credit Memos, this shows whether the credit memo is Open or Closed.

  • Current Balance - For Invoices, this shows the remaining payment to be made. For Credit Memos, this shows any remaining credit amount.

Payment Details page

When you click on the Payment Number within the Payments tab of the Billing History, it will open the Payment Details page. This page provides you with detailed information about the payment:

  • Payment Number

  • Status

  • Current Balance (together with last updated date/time based on user’s timezone)

  • Original Amount

  • Payment Notes (if any)

  • Payment Received Date

  • An invoice table containing Invoice Number, Applied Amount and Applied Date.

Required Username during User Creation

In order to support the unified authentication for Identity and Access Management, Username is now a required field.

Orders & Tickets History

Product Filters for EIA and EC

You can now select EIA (Equinix Internet Access) and EC (Equinix Connect) orders in the product filters on the Orders and Tickets History Page.

Estimated Completion Date for Orders

Estimated Completion Date will be shown in Order Tickets and History page. This date will be revised whenever there are changes to the order. This empowers you to track the progress of the order on your own, so you don’t have to contact customer service for updates.

ECP Mobile: IBX Access Management

Using the ECP Mobile app, you can grant a user physical access to an IBX. See Grant Physical Access for an IBX (via Mobile app) for details.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.4 is available Aug 2023. This release includes updates to Orders and Tickets History, Traffic Usage page, Billing History, the user profile dropdown and a new unified header.

Orders and Tickets History

Space Restriction Orders

Space Restrictions is a service to manage access to areas such as cages. As this online service is introduced, more services will be updated to accommodate these access restrictions.

  1. Streamlined Viewing: Easily view Space Restriction orders on the Orders & Tickets History homepage using the "Space Restriction" Product/Ticket Type filter.

  2. Simplified Service Request Details: To declutter the Service Request Details section, irrelevant information has been removed. Starting from the August Release, the following details will be displayed:

    • Asset Number

    • Cage Type

    • Cage Details

    • Space Restriction Type

  3. Relevant Contacts Display: The display of contacts and details will depend on the ordered Space Restriction Types:

    • Approval Contacts: Details such as "Specific Hours Access and Approval Required" and "Access upon Approval" will be showcased.

    • Notification Contacts: Details covering areas like "Specific Event No Access," "Specific Hours Access Only No Approval Required," "Notification Upon Access," "No Access Without Valid Ticket," and "Non Standard" will be visible.

New Tooltips for Customer Reference and Purchase Order Number

We've added informative tooltips for both "Customer Reference" and "Purchase Order Number." These handy tooltips, along with relevant content, are now available on both the Orders & Tickets History Page and the Activity Timeline Page. We believe this enhancement will make it even easier for you to access important details and enhance your overall experience.

Enhanced Traffic Usage Page for Equinix Internet Access (EIA) Ports

We have enhanced the Traffic Usage page (Network Management → Equinix Internet Access and Equinix Connect: Traffic Usage) to include support for Equinix Internet Access (EIA) ports. In addition to EC Ports, if you have "Equinix Internet Access and Equinix Connect" permission and "View Ports, Connection and Services" permission, you can now search for and access the EIA Ports' traffic usage data on the user interface or download it as an Excel report.

Billing History: Enhanced Payment History

On your Account Summary page, you can now effortlessly access notes related to your payments. Additionally, the Payment summary data grid will display the payment balance amount for your convenience.

Unified Header

The new unified header in Equinix Customer Portal will provide a consistent user experience across various Equinix products. It includes the following features:

  • Bell Icon: This serves as a unified notification center for all Equinix products. You'll receive notifications for updates, alerts, or new information when your action is required. Simply click on the bell icon to view all your notifications in one place.

  • Support Icon: Represented by a question mark symbol, this icon grants access to various support features. You can use it to open support cases, track the progress of existing cases, access the knowledge base for helpful resources, and utilize the tour guide for assistance.

  • Profile Icon: This icon gives you access to your user settings. By clicking on it, you can manage your preferences, update your profile information, adjust account settings, and customize your experience within Equinix products.

Redesigned Profile Dropdown

In this release, we have implemented changes to the profile dropdowns. When you click on the profile icon located in the top-right corner of the header, you will see the following redesigned elements:

  • "My Profile" has been renamed to "User Settings": The previous label "My Profile" has been updated to "User Settings" to better reflect the purpose of this section.

  • Language and Time zone as dropdowns: The Language and Time zone options have been converted into dropdown menus. You can easily select your preferred language and time zone from the available options.

  • If you've migrated to the "Identity" platform and maintain two or more identities, you can now easily see the exact identity you've used to log in.

Stay Secure with Email Alerts for Profile Changes

Enhancing your security is our priority. We've implemented email alerts for key profile changes to keep you informed and safe. When you edit these fields in your User Profile:

  • Username

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Primary Email

  • Phone Number

You'll receive an email notification, an extra layer of protection against unauthorized alterations. If you modify your email, the alert will be sent to your old address.

Streamlined Access to IX Through Console

You can now access IX directly from the hamburger menu, aligning with our approach for other products. This ensures a unified and consistent experience for both our customers and partners.

Name change for IBX SmartView

The formerly known IBX SmartView has now been rebranded as "Smart View".

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.3 is available June 2023. This release includes an important announcement regarding your account security. In addition, we've added the following features and enhancements to improve customer self-service and ease of doing business with Equinix.

Invalid Email User

We have identified users with invalid email addresses. These users are now categorized as Invalid Email users due to the security risks they pose to the Equinix Customer Portal. To mitigate this risk, we strongly urge these users to update their email addresses before their accounts are deactivated.

Beginning 12 June 2023, users with invalid primary email addresses will have an alert banner prominently displayed in their user profile showing the deactivation date. If the email address is not updated, the account will be locked after 30 days and require a valid email address to be reactivated by an administrator.

Enhanced Secure Cabinet Order History

Order statuses have been enhanced with more meaningful information.

For orders in Cancelled Status, you can now view the reason for cancellation:

  • No signature provided cancellation message: Order cancelled as the signed order form was not received before the expiration date.

  • Capacity Feasibility Review (CFR) cancellation message: Order cancelled due to lack of capacity. Contact Equinix Account Team for assistance.

For Siebel Orders that are “On Hold” with Sub-Status “Pending CFR”,

  • Order status shows In Review.

  • Activity Timeline shows Review in Progress.

  • A custom message will inform the user Equinix is reviewing your order. The review should be completed within the next 2 business days.

For Orders with "Pending Signature", this enhancement will reveal the person responsible for approval and the signature expiration date.

  • Activity Timeline shows the approver’s Signature Request Email and Signature Expiration Date.

  • A custom message will inform the user Customer signature is required to proceed. If the signed order is not received by the expiration date, it will be cancelled.

New Service Insight Dashboard

Equinix Service Insight (ESI) provides a central location to view incidents for the IBXs where you have a physical presence. The dashboard can be accessed from the Equinix Customer Portal navigation menu. For more information, see Service Insight Dashboard.

Introducing Inventory

We are introducing Inventory, a comprehensive asset tracking system which provides a holistic view of customers' assets. This feature resolves the pain points customers are experiencing with existing Install Base.

The June release introduces the initial Pilot/MVP, exclusively accessible to Master Administrators.

Updated Trust and Transparency Dashboard

To enhance your overall user experience, we have made updates to the Trust and Transparency Dashboard. These improvements aim to provide you with even better access to information about security incidents and self-service standardized reports. By utilizing the Trust and Transparency Dashboard, you can ensure that Equinix services remain in compliance with your organizational requirements. After logging into ECP, you can access the Trust and Transparency Dashboard here.

Billing History

Introducing Payment History

On the Account Summary page, you can now view payments from the last 12 months in the newly added 'Payments' tab.

Enhanced Invoice/Credit Memo Details

On the invoice/credit memo details page, a new column called 'Customer Reference' has been included. You can now view customer reference details in your invoice/credit memo.

You also have the option to customize the information displayed for your invoice/credit memo by selecting the columns to see or hide.

Enhanced Billing Library

From the Billing Library, you now have access to your account's current Purchase Orders.

Purchase Order Management

Enhanced Access to PO Management

If you are a user with install base permissions, you can now view the purchase orders in your authorized billing accounts.

Enhanced Purchase Order

When you click on the Purchase Order number, you will be able to access additional information:

  • Billable Orders: You can now see the billable assets and orders associated with your purchase orders.

  • Details: You can view the Purchase Order and Contact details for each purchase order.

On the Account Summary page, you now have the option to sort your purchase orders by ascending or descending end date.

Updated Experience Convergence

The Equinix Customer Portal footer now includes essential elements such as a copyright notice, terms of use link, privacy statement link, and a contact section. These updates enhance transparency, user understanding, and support by offering important legal information, privacy guidelines, and a means to contact Equinix.

The Tools section in the left navigation menu has also been updated to include Developer Portal. This portal offers various APIs, documentation, and resources to facilitate seamless integration with Equinix services.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.2 is available April 2023. To improve customer self-service and ease of doing business with Equinix, we've added the following features and enhancements.

Billing History: Enhanced Filtering Options

  • A new Location filter allows you to filter invoices by IBX location.

  • Reseller account administrators can now filter invoices by subcustomer.

Billing History: Create Billing Support Tickets

You can raise support tickets for an account directly from Billing History. Account details and invoice numbers are automatically populated, simplifying the support ticket process.

Purchase Order Management Enhancements

  • You can search purchase orders by purchase order number, and search accounts by account name or number.

  • Reseller account administrators can search purchase orders using the subcustomer name or number. You can then view the purchase orders assigned to subcustomers accounts and download them as CSV files.

New Cabinet Order Tracking

You can now use the Orders and Tickets History screen to monitor the progress of your cabinet installation. Use the filter options to locate your Space and Power order, then go to the Activity Timeline to see the status and details of your order.

Note: This feature is currently available for the following product lines:
  • Secure Cabinet With kVA Based Power

  • Secure Cabinet With Metered Power and kVA Based Draw Cap

  • Secure Cabinet With Circuit Based Power

  • Secure Cabinet With Metered Power With Draw Cap

  • Secure Cabinet With kW Based Power

  • Secure Cabinet With Metered Power and kW Based Draw Cap

Subscribe to IBX Policy Violation Notifications

A new permission (under IBX Services Notifications) allows users to subscribe to notifications about IBX policy violations — specifically our combustible materials policy and our airflow management policy.

Users with this permission can subscribe to notifications using the IBX Policy Violation Notification Preferences option in their Notification Preferences.

  • At least two administrators in your organization must be configured to receive IBX policy violations.

  • If a violation is not corrected within the allotted time, a billable Smart Hands order is created automatically. IBX technicians will correct the issue, and your company will incur a Smart Hands fee.

Use the Mobile App for IBX Checkout

With the latest release of the Equinix Customer Portal mobile app, you can use the app to check out of your IBX visit. For details, see Entering and Exiting an IBX.

Re-open a Resolved Trouble Ticket

If you need additional assistance with a completed trouble ticket, you can now re-open it. For details, see Re-open a Completed Request.

Network Edge Devices in Notification Center

Virtual asset notifications for Network Edge devices will now show one of four statuses: Provisioned, Deprovisioned, In-Progress, or Failed. You can see these notifications on the General tab of the Notification Center.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2023.1 is available February 2023.

To improve customer self-service and ease of doing business with Equinix, we've added the following features and enhancements.

Once you've signed into the Customer Portal, you can quickly access all the products you subscribe to (such as Fabric, Network Edge, Equinix Metal, and Precision Time) without the need to re-authenticate. Click the global navigation menu () at the top left of the portal window, and select the portal you want to access. For more information, see Global Navigation Menu in the product documentation.

Important: Most of the Equinix Customer Portal and colocation-related features (including Smart Hands, Trouble Tickets, Orders and Tickets History, Work Visits, Install Base, the interconnection products, and more) are now located under the Colocation section of the global navigation menu.

View and Manage Colocation Assets

The new Colocation Assets option (from the Orders and Tickets menu) allows you to view your Secure Cabinet and Private Cage installations. For each of your deployments, the screen shows the associated billing agreement, billing account, IBX location, product type, initial contract start date, and renewal/end date. For more information, refer to View Your Colo Assets in the Portal.

Improved Notification Center – Network Specs Notifications

To expedite the provisioning process of A-side to Z-side connections, the Notification Center now includes notifications about the network provisioning status of products such as Fabric, Internet Exchange, and Metro Connect. This allows you to validate the network port configuration details before creating network connections or requesting a turn-up call.

Tip: These notifications appear on the General tab of the Notification Center. They have a Notification Type of Network Specifications.

Action-Required Notifications

To view items that need attention, click in the upper right corner of the portal window. The Action Required list is shown, and any items with a Respond By date are displayed in red. To respond to an Action Required item, click on it.

Tip: indicates a new notification has arrived.

Manage Purchase Orders

The new Purchase Order Management option (from the Operations menu) allows you to view all the active and expired purchase orders that have been submitted to Equinix for your accounts. For details, see Purchase Order Management.

IBX Administrator Role

Users with the IBX Administrator role can now manage permissions for other IBX administrators. For details, see Roles in the Customer Portal.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The ability of administrators to enable Multi-Factor Authentication for an organization was temporarily disabled while we migrated to a new MFA vendor. The migration is complete, and the ability to enable MFA has been restored. See Multi-Factor Authentication.

Billing History Restrictions

To conform to statutory requirements, Billing Library and View Transaction Details have been restricted for specific accounts and regions. Affected accounts can email our Billing team for support.

Tip: For release notes on related products like Smart Hands, Cross Connect, and Fabric, see Product Release Readiness.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2022.6 is available December, 2022.

To improve customer self-service and ease of doing business with Equinix, we have added new features and enhancements.

Expanded Left Navigation Menu

Quick access to the Equinix offerings, portals, and tools. Save time by toggling between most services without having to re-authenticate.

New Trust and Transparency Dashboard

Access information about security incidents and self-service standardized reports using the Trust and Transparency Dashboard link in the left navigation menu. This allows you to ensure Equinix services are in compliance with your organizational requirements. For more information, see Trust & Transparency Reports.

Certifications and Compliance

Locate Certifications and Compliance docs in the ECP Knowledge Base (KB). You can also use the KB Search function to look for a specific document. To access the KB from ECP, click Support, then Visit Support Center.

Expanded IBX Tours

Previously, data center tours could accommodate a maximum of 5 people. Now, tours can be scheduled for up to 10 people. For details, see Schedule a Data Center Tour.

Billing History

If you have Billing permissions, you can now see Charges Due for each Billing Account.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

No demos are available for this release.
Title Duration
Equinix Customer Portal Overview 11:43 min
Customer Portal Report Center 14:34 min
Reset Your Portal Password 4:14 min
Submit a Trouble Ticket 3:50 min
View Your Install Base (Assets/Products) 8:41 min
Order Accessories for Your Cage/Cabinet 12:42 min
Schedule a Work Visit to an IBX 16:32 min
Schedule Shipments To/From an IBX 16:15 min
View Your Billing History 6:54 min
Create a New User 15:06 min
3 Types of User Roles in the Portal 10:58 min
Assign User Permissions 6:54 min
Deactivate or Terminate a User Account 6:50 min

Equinix Customer Portal 2022.5 is available October 10, 2022.

No videos are available for this release.

These demos describe setup and configuration of features and functionality in a release.

Title Duration
New Billing History Experience 5:24 min
Title Duration
New Billing History Experience 5:24 min