Deploy Network Edge Devices

Equinix offers resources to help you create and deploy your devices and connections on your own. This topic provides a list of online resources to help get your virtual devices up and running


To help expedite self-deployment of devices and connections, Network Edge documentation offers overviews, how-to articles, and instructional videos.

Topic Links
Deployment and Configuration
Overview and Best Practices

Deployment and Configuration

Important Sections:

Network Edge Feature Overview

Network Edge Overview

  • Videos

    • Overview/Non-Technical

    • How-to Demonstrations

    • Technical

  • FAQs

Available Devices and Locations

Network Edge Vendors and Devices
Network Edge Data Sheet

Creating a Device

Create a Single Virtual Device

Creating a Device

Create a Redundant Pair

Vendor Specific Devices:

Creating a Connection

Create a Connection

Creating a Connection

Create a Connection to a Redundant Device

Creating Connections to a Redundant Device

Network Service Provider Connections

Utilizing the APIs Equinix Developer Platform – Network Edge
Requesting Support


What’s Next?

Locate your Vendor in the Network Edge Marketplace and begin creating your virtual devices.