Cisco VNFs Specifications


The following table details the licensing types available on Network Edge for Cisco VNFs.

VNF Type BYOL Subscription
Catalyst 8000V Autonomous Mode Yes Yes
Catalyst 8000V SD-WAN Yes No
ASAv Firewall Yes No
FTD Virtual Yes No

Cisco Catalyst 8000V (Autonomous Mode) Subscription Licensing Video

For Catalyst 8000V Autonomous mode, both Bring Your Own License (BYOL) and Subscription options are supported. The BYOL option requires a valid license. You are responsible for purchasing and managing your own licenses from Cisco or their partners or resellers.


The following table indicates support responsibility for Equinix and Cisco for your Cisco VNF.

License Type Equinix Cisco
BYOL Equinix supports Network Edge infrastructure specific topics, including VNF operation, license registration, connectivity issues, Network Edge service issues, etc. Support needs to be purchased from your Cisco reseller along with the license. Contact Cisco directly for support.
Subscription Equinix supports Network Edge infrastructure specific topics, including VNF operation, license registration, connectivity issues, Network Edge service issues, etc. Open a Cisco TAC case in the Network Edge portal ONLY for IOX-XE related issues or configuration questions. Work directly with Cisco TAC without Equinix engagement.

For the BYOL option, you are responsible for obtaining Cisco support from Cisco or their partners. Contact a Cisco sales representative or partner to purchase a license and support contract. The subscription option for Catalyst 8000V autonomous mode allows you to open a Cisco TAC case through the Network Edge portal.

Important: The Catalyst 8000V Autonomous mode subscription option allows you to troubleshoot Cisco 8000V software or configuration issues with Cisco Technical Assistant Center (TAC). In order to do so, Equinix opens a TAC case for you, then you engage with Cisco TAC directly. If this is an Equinix Network Edge infrastructure-related issues, then Equinix will engage in the troubleshooting. Equinix will not engage in Cisco 8000V software or configuration issues and troubleshooting.

End of Sale VNFs