Getting Started
This topic describes getting started in Equinix Fabric.
New Users
New Fabric users must first Create a New User Account.
Existing Users
Existing Fabric users can navigate to the Equinix Fabric portal and sign in with their user credentials.
For more help, contact your local Equinix Fabric service desk. For a list of regional service desks and contact information, see Equinix Customer Support.
User Management
Customer administrators have the capability to set user privileges at a virtual resource level on the Equinix Customer Portal. Permissions management enables users to manage selective access to their physical and virtual assets.
See Equinix Fabric Permissions.
Virtual Connections
Equinix Fabric customers can connect to service providers and to other Equinix customers, whether or not they are on Equinix Fabric. A growing selection of services are accessible through Equinix Fabric, including cloud, network, unified communications, and SaaS providers, with five additional new providers added every month.
For a list of service providers, see the Service Providers page.
Additional capabilities include the ability to connect to the virtual and physical Equinix infrastructure, such as Network Edge, Equinix Metal, and Equinix Precision Time.
For more information, see Equinix Fabric Virtual Connections.
Equinix Fabric Product Policy
The Equinix Fabric product policy document is a guiding contractual template, explaining general Equinix definitions, policies, SLAs, and terms and conditions of doing business with Equinix. The Equinix Fabric product policy document is a guiding document, and not a contract. See the Equinix Fabric Product Policy Document.