What’s New

This section provides easy access to information on the latest features and releases of the Equinix family of products. As a valued customer, we are excited to share with you the latest updates and enhancements to our platform.

More details for each of the products listed below can be found in that product's Release Notes, which can be accessed via the links provided. The Release Notes contain detailed information about the latest features, improvements, fixes, and other updates that have been implemented in our products and services.

Equinix Fabric

The Equinix Fabric 2024.3 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • Introduces option to self-deprovision ports.

  • Adds Fabric Cloud Router and Multipoint Networks components to the Solution Builder.

  • Adds the option to connect to Oracle Cloud from a Metal VLAN.

  • Features a refreshed workflow design for Quick Connecting to Google Cloud Platform.

  • Adds 25 and 50 Gbps bandwidth options in connections to any service provider.

  • The Pricing Calculator now supports local networks allowing you to estimate the price for interconnecting your assets deployed within a single metro.

  • The Boston metro has also been upgraded and now supports connection speeds of up to 50 Gbps.

For more information, see Equinix Fabric Release Notes.

Equinix Fabric APIs

The Equinix Fabric R2024.3 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • Adds 4 new APIs to further support Route Filter and Route Filter Rules.

  • Adds a new API to allow users to delete specific ports.

  • Adds new use cases to support FCR to Metal VLAN and FCR to NE connectivity.

  • Adds new use cases to guide users connecting their NE devices to AWS, Azure, Google, Oracle, IBM Cloud Direct Link 2.0, and Alibaba.

  • Fabric APIs are Terraform enabled. Terraform simplifies the process of provisioning infrastructure resources through automation.

For more information, see Equinix Fabric Release Notes.

Equinix Fabric Cloud Router

The Fabric Cloud Router 2024.3 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • Connections to Equinix Metal VLANs are now supported.

  • IPv4 router filters are now available for IP-WAN connections.

  • Equinix global billing accounts are supported for Cloud Router orders.

  • Cloud Routers are included with other Solution Builder assets.

For more information, see Fabric Cloud Router Release Notes.

Network Edge

The Network Edge 2024.6 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • BlueCat Edge Service Point is available in the Equinix Marketplace as of June 2024.

  • Solution Builder pricing quote functionality has been improved to allow you to design components in different metros/countries and be quoted in a single currency of choice.

For more information, see Network Edge Release Notes.

Network Edge APIs

The Network Edge R2024.3 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • Changes APIs and use cases to take advantage of our new Fabric V4 APIs.

  • Adds a new array "supportedLicenseTiers" to Get Device Types API to show the list of licensing tiers supported by a software package.

  • Adds a new field "retireDate" to show when a software will no longer be available for new devices.

  • Removes POST DNS Lookup API

For more information, see Network Edge Release Notes.

Equinix Internet Access

The Equinix Internet Access 2024.07 release, available in July, includes the following improvement:

Internet Access with Network Edge now supports dual connections for increased reliability.

For more information, see Equinix Internet Access Release Notes.

Equinix Smart View

The Equinix Smart View 2024.2 release, available in June, includes the following improvements:

  • Adds new Custom Alerts 2.0 functionality.

  • The Smart View Custom Alerts feature has been revised.

  • Mechanical and Electrical alerts are no longer included in Custom Alerts. System Alerts should be used instead.

  • The user interface for defining Custom Alerts has been updated.

  • The Heartbeat functionality and acknowledging Custom Alerts are no longer available.

For more information, see Equinix Smart View Release Notes.

Equinix Customer Portal

The Equinix Customer Portal 2024.3 release, available in June, includes the following improvement:

Enhancements to Orders and Tickets History. Specifically, for Scheduled Smart Hands requests, a clear and prominent response deadline now appears within your order details.

For more information, see Equinix Customer Portal Release Notes.

Other Products

Older release notes for other products can be found using the following links.: