Reseller Account Model for Internet Access with Network Edge
Resellers can enable some or all their end customers, also referred to as sub-accounts, for self-service on Internet Access.
Resellers must follow the instructions for Equinix Customer Portal Resellers and Reseller Administrators to set up sub-accounts and user access for their customers to manage their own services on the Equinix Fabric portal. Sub-accounts can self-serve and contact the Equinix NOC on their own.
Becoming a Reseller
Once your account is designated as a reseller account, you will be able to set up sub-accounts. However, current accounts can't become sub-accounts. No Reseller Partner agreement is required to take advantage of the basic Internet Access reseller capabilities.
Adding Sub-accounts
Resellers must follow the steps to Create and Manage Sub-accounts and Users in the Equinix Customer Portal (ECP) to designate their end customers as sub-accounts, assign permissions, and set up user access. This enables sub-accounts to manage their own Internet Access assets through the Equinix Fabric portal.
Once an account becomes a reseller, a Reseller Primary Administrator is assigned. The Reseller Primary Admin is responsible for creating sub-accounts and assigning users and user types in ECP. This must be done in ECP before the sub-account users can create, view, and delete Internet Access services in the Fabric portal.
If a sub-account is represented by more than one reseller, the sub-account must maintain fully separate accounts with each reseller. No overlap in visibility or permissions is permitted.
Pricing and Billing for Solution Providers (Resellers) and Sub-Accounts
The capability to see associated pricing during Internet Access service creation has been added to the Fabric portal. However, sub-accounts of resellers can't see pricing in the portal, because the reseller is responsible for billing the sub-account.
Note: A sub-account is a non-billable customer. Therefore, all Internet Access with Network Edge devices that are created by a sub-account are billed to the reseller.
Create Internet Access for Sub-customers
Registered Equinix resellers can order Internet Access with Network Edge devices for their sub-customers.
Note: Your sub-account users can also act on their own behalf. The billing account remains your account, even if the associated services are for the sub-account.
Sign into Equinix Customer Portal and navigate to Fabric.
In the Project drop-down list, select your sub-customer's project. Make sure that this project contains your sub-customer's virtual device for which you want to order Internet Access.
Note: Resellers can order service for the sub-accounts of their end customers. However, reseller impersonation is not supported yet.
Continue with step 3 to Create a Connection as described in Order Internet Access with Network Edge Virtual Devices.