Merge Organizations
Merge a source organization to a destination organization to consolidate the assets and users under the destination organization.
What Happens when You Perform an Organization Merge on 2 Organizations?
All users from the source organization will be moved into the destination organization.
If there are duplicated users - users with the same first name, last name and email address in both organizations; the user in the source organization will be merged into the destination organization user. The user’s permissions in the source organization will be copied over to the user in the destination. The duplicated user will now only need 1 user account to log in and still retains all of the existing permissions.
However, if it is a duplicated user with IBX access, the user account will not be combined. The user will have 2 user accounts for the same organization.
All assets will be moved from under the source organization to the destination organization.
The default project in the source organization will be merged with the default project in the destination. There will only be 1 default project in any organization.
Existing non-default projects in the source organization will be moved under the destination organization. It will not be removed.
Billing account
All billing accounts will be moved from under the source organization to the destination organization.
If the Source Organization is a Reseller Organization, all existing customers under the Reseller will be moved under the Destination Organization as well
Type of Organization Merges:
Source Organization Type | Destination Organization Type | Final Resulting Organization Type |
Normal | Normal | Normal |
Reseller | Reseller | Reseller |
Normal | Reseller | Reseller |
Reseller | Normal | Reseller |
Subcustomer | Subcustomer | Subcustomer |
Note: If any of the organization is a Reseller, the final organization will always be a reseller because the Reseller billing account and customers(if any) will be in the destination organization.
Organization merge
Important: Pre-requisites: Both organizations must be under the same Root Organization before they can be merged.
Sign in to the Identity & Access Management portal as an Org Admin user.
Navigate to Resource Management through the left navigation menu.
Locate the desired organization. This is your source organization. Hover over
and select Merge Organization.
Select the destination organization.
Review your selections and click Merge to complete. Users, users permissions, billing accounts and assets will be merged from the source into the destination organization.
Warning: This action is not reversible, please ensure that your selections are accurate before performing the merge.
End-Customer Organization Merge
Merging End-Customer Organizations follows the same steps as merging organizations above. You need to make sure that end customer organizations are selected as source / destination organizations.
Note: Only End-Customers Organizations under the same Reseller Organization can be merged together
Sign in to the Identity & Access Management portal as IAM Admin, Organization Admin, Partner Admin or End Customer Admin user.
Navigate to Resource Management through the left navigation menu.
Locate a End Customer Organization. This is your source organization. Hover over
and select Merge Organization.
Select the destination organization. The destination organization must belong under the same Reseller Organization.
Review your selections and click Merge to complete. Users, users permissions, billing accounts and assets will be merged from the source into the destination organization.
Warning: This action is not reversible, please ensure that your selections are accurate before performing the merge.