Air Containment
For your colocation space, Equinix uses air containment strategies in all data centers to:
Direct cooled air to your equipment.
Reduce or eliminate hot spots that can lead to equipment overheating and failure.
Maximize the energy efficient operation of the cooling systems.
Each cabinet has a specified cold side and a specified hot side. It's important that your equipment is installed in line with the conditioned airflow, as follows:
The air inlet of the hardware must be at the cold side of the cabinet.
The outlet (warm air) of the hardware must be ejected on the hot side of the cabinet.
Important: Installing your equipment in the opposite direction could lead to cooling problems and malfunctioning of equipment. In the case of incorrect installation, Equinix’ service guarantees are invalidated. When we become aware of these issues, Equinix sends you a policy violation notification requesting that you correct the installation.
For more information, refer to our Customer installation Guidelines and our Data Center Design page.

Increases the operating efficiency of the data center (thereby reducing its carbon footprint).
Reduces energy usage, water usage, pollutants, and utility costs.
Optimizes the operating performance/uptime of your equipment.
Extends the lifespan of your hardware.
Allows higher density of rack equipment.
Compliance with local building codes.

The most common air containment methods used at Equinix data centers are illustrated below.
Note: The red arrows indicate hot air; the blue arrows indicate cold air.
Note: Air containment methods vary by IBX, depending on the IBX configuration, the local building code requirements, and the local fire safety regulations.

Equinix charges for brush strips, rackseal foam, and switch duct accessories. Other components are provided and installed by Equinix at no additional cost to customers (in most cases).
These components are used to keep the cooled air supply separate from the hot exhaust air from equipment. Click the image below for component details:
For more information, refer to our Customer installation Guidelines.

Equinix performs audits periodically to:
Ensure compliance with airflow management policies.
Verify that containment components are installed and functioning as intended.
Note: If a technician needs to enter your cage to perform an audit, Equinix will first request your permission to access your cage.
For specific policy information, refer to the following sections of our Global IBX Policies:
Section D.6. (Customer’s Equipment—Installation and Operation)
Section D.9. (Environmental)
If you receive a policy enforcement notification from Equinix, refer to the Airflow Management Policy FAQ.
Tip: To request an audit of your space, submit a Smart Hands order (choose order type Physical Audit), or ask the Global Service Desk (GSD) to submit the order on your behalf. You can also use Smart Hands if you need Equinix to rectify any air containment issues in your space.