Federated SSO Migration
To migrate to the new Equinix authentication system for Federated SSO login:
From the Administration menu in the Customer Portal, click Account & Security Management.
Click Federated Single Sign-On.
On the Federation Details page, click Upgraded Equinix SAML Metadata to download the upgraded metadata .xml file:
Note: If you are unable to log in to the Federation Portal, please email the Equinix Federation Team.
Import the downloaded metadata into your Identity Provider (IdP) to create a new SAML connection to Equinix.
Important: Do not delete your existing Equinix configuration; create a new configuration instead.
Once the configuration is complete, follow the steps under Verify Federated SSO Configuration.
Important: After the migration, you must use portal.equinix.com to access Equinix services. Previously, users could access Equinix services through custom URLs, which may have been saved as bookmarks in their web browsers. To continue using these bookmarks, remind your users to change their bookmarks to point to portal.equinix.com.
For questions or support, email the Equinix Federation Team.