
Get Specified Port Statistics

GET /fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/stats
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/stats
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters startDateTime, endDateTime
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request retrieves bandwidth utilization statistics for a specified port. This information is essential for managing service subscription sizing and bandwidth.

For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Parameter Name Mandatory Data Type Example Applicable Values Description
uuid yes string 16c71cc5-be29-4130-8e4c-2db248bb3d5b - Equinix-assigned port identifier.

Query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Applicable Values Description
startDateTime yes string 2021-01-07T19:26:22Z (ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp) Specifies start date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTime yes string 2021-01-26T19:55:22Z (ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp) Specifies end date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.

Response payload

    "type": "XF_PORT",
    "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
    "name": "Equinix-EM-CX-xxx-L-Dot1q-BO-100G-PRI-xx",

    "bandwidth": 10000,
    "stats": {
        "startDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
        "endDateTime": "2021-02-25T23:59:44Z",
        "bandwidthUtilization": {
        "unit": "Mbps",
        "metricInterval": "PT5M",
        "inbound": {
            "max": 36.46022222224523,
            "mean": 12.681258259259257,
            "lastPolled": 24.67873548,
            "metrics": [
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
                "max": 24.197777777777777,
                "mean": 9.460203703703565
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:05:00Z",
                "max": 29.237066666666667,
                "mean": 11.487487592592595
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:10:00Z",
                "max": 31.2726757889999,
                "mean": 11.77661203703704
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-03-04T16:15:00Z",
                "max": 28.179666666666666,
                "mean": 7.414631481481509
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:20:00Z",
                "max": 29.29311111111111,
                "mean": 6.247431481481508
        "outbound": {
            "max": 60.33548888888889,
            "mean": 41.22711543985719,
            "lastPolled": 55.14977777777778,
            "metrics": [
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
                "max": 53.790333333333336,
                "mean": 39.80057592592591
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:05:00Z",
                "max": 57.353,
                "mean": 38.678568800295
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:10:00Z",
                "max": 59.32777777777778,
                "mean": 35.08689444444445
                "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:15:00Z",
                "max": 537274933333333300,
                "mean": 23.855259259259284
                "intervalEndDateTime: "2021-02-24T16:20:00Z",
                "max": 57.75604444444444,
                "mean": 41.36731129629629

Response payload body description

Parameter Data Type Example Description
type string XF_PORT The type of port.
uuid string 66I01dbf-87e8-4c1a-999c-28991799611c The unique identifier of the port.
name string Admin-STATS-123-Abc User-assigned name of the port.
stats object - Object container for fields that detail the port statistics.
startDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:05:08Z Start date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTime string 2021-01-10T21:05:08Z End date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
bandwidth integer 10000 Port bandwidth (10000 Mbps, for example, is equal to 10 Gbps).
bandwidthUtilization object Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unit string Mbps Unit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps.
metricInterval string PT5M Duration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inbound object Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
outbound object Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
max integer 68.38641687333333 Highest bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
mean integer 39.96267986650665 Mean bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolled integer 41.00905623111112 Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metrics array[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:10:00Z End time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
max integer 42.56065261666111 Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
mean integer 31.52464373892222 Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Get Ports Statistics DEPRECATED

GET /fabric/v4/ports/stats
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/ports/stats
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters Not Applicable
Query Parameters sort, top, duration, direction, metricInterval, metros, projectId
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns traffic statistics for ports in a specified metro.

For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ',GV&duration=P3M'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Query parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Applicable Values Desccription
sort no string -bandwidthUtilization -bandwidthUtilization Key or set of keys that organizes the search payload by property (such as bandwidthUtilization) or by direction. Ascending (ASC) is the default value. The "‒" prefix indicates descending (DESC) order.
top no integer 5 Minimum: 1
Maximum: 10
Default: 5
Filter returning only the specified number of most heavily trafficked ports.
duration no string P3M P7D


Duration of statistical analysis period. Format according to IETF ISO 8601 standards:

P, period; Y, years; M, months; DT, dateTime; H, hours; M, minutes; S, seconds; [n] represents values.
direction no string inbound inbound

Direction of traffic from the requester's viewpoint. The default is outbound.
metricInterval no string P7D P7D An interval-formatted value indicating the time period the metric objects within the response represent. The default is P7D.
metros yes array[string] SV,GV SV,GV Two-letter prefix indicating the metropolitan area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
projectId no array[string] 2607 - Project identifier in customer resource hierarchy.

Sample Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 5,
        "total": 5
    "data": [
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
            "name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
            "bandwidth": 10000,
            "stats": {
                "startDateTime": "2020-05-21T08:00:00.000Z",
                "endDateTime": "2020-05-28T10:30:00.000Z",
                "bandwidthUtilization": {
                    "unit": "Mbps",
                    "metricInterval": "PT5M",
                    "inbound": {
                        "max": 1913400000,
                        "mean": 474960.24489120545,
                        "lastPolled": 53.333333333333336,
                        "metrics": [
                                "intervalEndDateTime": {},
                                "max": 53.333333333333336,
                                "mean": 53.333333333333336
                                "intervalEndDateTime": {},
                                "max": 53.333333333333336,
                                "mean": 53.333333333333336
                                "intervalEndDateTime": {},
                                "max": 53.333333333333336,
                                "mean": 53.333333333333336
                                "intervalEndDateTime": {},
                                "max": 53.333333333333336,
                                "mean": 53.333333333333336
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
            "name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
            "bandwidth": 10000,
            "stats": {
                "startDateTime": "2020-06-21T08:00:00.000Z",
                "endDateTime": "2020-06-28T10:30:00.000Z",
                "bandwidthUtilization": {
                    "unit": "Mbps",
                    "metricInterval": "PT5M",
                    "inbound": {}
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
            "name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
            "bandwidth": 10000,
            "stats": {
                "startDateTime": "2020-07-21T08:00:00.000Z",
                "endDateTime": "2020-07-28T10:30:00.000Z",
                "bandwidthUtilization": {
                    "unit": "Mbps",
                    "metricInterval": "PT5M",
                    "inbound": {}
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
            "name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
            "bandwidth": 10000,
            "stats": {
                "startDateTime": "2020-08-21T08:00:00.000Z",
                "endDateTime": "2020-08-28T10:30:00.000Z",
                "bandwidthUtilization": {
                    "unit": "Mbps",
                    "metricInterval": "PT5M",
                    "inbound": {}
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
            "name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
            "bandwidth": 10000,
            "stats": {
                "startDateTime": "2020-09-21T08:00:00.000Z",
                "endDateTime": "2020-09-28T10:30:00.000Z",
                "bandwidthUtilization": {
                    "unit": "Mbps",
                    "metricInterval": "PT5M",
                    "inbound": {}

Response Body Description

Parameter Data Type Example Description
pagination object - Data set pagination settings.
data array[object] - Data array containing statistics for a set of ports determined by query parameters.
offset integer 0 Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer 20 Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer 44 Total number of items returned.
type string XF_PORT The type of port.
uuid string 66I01dbf-87e8-4c1a-999c-28991799611c The unique identifier of the port.
name string Admin-STATS-123-Abc User-assigned name of the port.
stats object - Object container for fields that detail the port statistics.
startDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:05:08Z Start date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTime string 2021-01-10T21:05:08Z End date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
bandwidth integer 10000 Port bandwidth (10000 Mbps, for example, is equal to 10 Gbps).
bandwidthUtilization object - Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unit string Mbps Unit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps.
metricInterval string PT5M Duration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inbound object - Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
outbound object - Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
max integer 68.38641687333333 Highest bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
mean integer 39.96267986650665 Mean bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolled integer 41.00905623111112 Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metrics array[object] - Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:10:00Z End time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
max integer 42.56065261666111 Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
mean integer 31.52464373892222 Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Connection Statistics

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/stats
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/stats
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters startDateTime, endDateTime, viewPoint
Body Parameters Not applicable

The API for virtual connection (VC) statistics provides service-level traffic metrics so that you can gather key information required to manage service subscription sizing and capacity.

For an overview of how Fabric integrates different network nodes and gateways, see Virtual Connections.

Running the VC statistics API retrieves bandwidth utilization statistics about a specified virtual connection.

  • Buyers can view utilization data on all outgoing connections.
  • Sellers can view utilization data about all incoming connections.

The diagram below shows the connection infrastructure, with traffic direction, that the VC statistics API can capture as performance statistics.

To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI" 

Path parameters

Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Applicable Values Description
uuid yes string 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 Unique identifier of the virtual connection.

Query parameters

Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Applicable Values Description
startDateTime yes string 2021-01-07T19:26:22Z (ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp) Specifies start date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTime yes string 2021-01-26T19:55:22Z (ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp) Specifies end date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
viewPoint no string aSide aSide


Default: aSide
Outgoing connection statistics are calculated based on traffic from the Equinix Fabric router (A-Side) to the customer edge router and traffic to the Equinix Fabric router (A-Side) from the customer edge router.

Incoming connection statistics are calculated based on traffic from the Equinix Fabric router (Z-Side) to the provider edge router and traffic to the Equinix Fabric router (Z-Side) from the provider edge router.

Sample response

    "href": "",
    "type": "EVPL_VC",
    "uuid": "97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096",
    "name": "Admin-STATS-123-Abc",
    "stats": {
        "startDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:08Z",
        "endDateTime": "2021-01-10T21:05:08Z",
        "viewPoint": "aSide",
        "bandwidthUtilization": {
            "unit": "Mbps",
            "metricInterval": "PT5M",
            "inbound": {
                "max": 68.38641687333333,
                "mean": 39.96267986650665,
                "lastPolled": 41.00905623111112,
                "metrics": [
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:00Z",
                        "max": 41.89234537555556,
                        "mean": 33.62481298948148
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:10:00Z",
                        "max": 41.86234987534256,
                        "mean": 36.92451598748148
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:15:00Z",
                        "max": 41.86907222888888,
                        "mean": 43.98230834555556
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:20:00Z",
                        "max": 41.91562025333334,
                        "mean": 41.086565260765425
                "outbound": {
                    "max": 67.79944363333334,
                    "mean": 38.116581250214345,
                    "lastPolled": 41.43428905111111,
                    "metrics": [
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:00Z",
                        "max": 41.99068261111111,
                        "mean": 33.70374303096296
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:10:00Z",
                        "max": 42.56065261666111,
                        "mean": 31.52464373892222
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:15:00Z",
                        "max": 41.96735416222222,
                        "mean": 44.08555118977779
                        "intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:20:00Z",
                        "max": 42.01401189333334,
                        "mean": 39.40894303096296

Response payload body description

Field Data Type Example Description
href string URL for virtual connection details pertaining to the uuid.
type string EVPL_VC Connection type.
uuid string 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 The unique identifier of the connection.
name string Admin-STATS-123-Abc User-assigned name to the connection.
stats object Object container for fields that detail the virtual connection statistics.

stats object

stats object Object container for fields that detail the virtual connection statistics.
startDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:05:08Z Start date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTime string 2021-01-10T21:05:08Z End date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
viewPoint string aSide Point of view for connection metrics.
bandwidthUtilization object Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).

stats.bandwidthUtilization object

bandwidthUtilization object Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unit string Mbps Unit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps
metricInterval string PT5M Duration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inbound object Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection.
outbound object Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection.

stats.bandwidthUtilization.inbound object

inbound object Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection.
max double 68.38641687333333 Highest bandwidth utilization of the connection among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
mean double 39.96267986650665 Mean bandwidth utilization of the connection among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolled double 41.00905623111112 Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metrics array[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.

stats.bandwidthUtilization.inbound.metrics object

metrics array[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTime string 2021-01-10T20:10:00Z End time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
max double 42.56065261666111 Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
mean double 31.52464373892222 Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.