Migrate Virtual Connections Between Network Edge Devices
Migrate Virtual Connections (Self-Service)
The Virtual Connection Self-Migration workflow provides more controls for you to migrate your virtual connections from one device to another, eliminating the need to rely on Equinix to manually migrate those connections.
Use Cases
You might want to migrate your virtual connections from one device to another to transition:
From an Equinix-Configured device to a Self-Configured device.
From a Self-Configured device to an Equinix-Configured device.
From one device vendor to a different device vendor.
From one device type to a different device type (for example, Cisco CSR1000v to Cisco Catalyst 8000v).
From one device resource type to another device resource type (for example, 4 GB Memory to 16 GB Memory).
The Virtual Connection Self-Migration workflow supports following use cases.
Use Case | Details |
VNF Vendor | All Network Edge vendors in the Marketplace |
Device Type | All Network Edge devices in the Marketplace |
Deployment Type | Single, Redundant, Cluster devices |
Management Type |
Equinix-Configured to Self-Configured devices
Connection Deployment Type |
L2 Connection |
Intra/Inter Metro | Allows migration within the same metro device only |
Other | Allows migration within the same billing account devices only |
The following is not supported with the Virtual Connection Self-Migration workflow:
Migration of EVP-LAN Based Connection
Migration of Network Edge Service Profile-based Connection
Sub-Interface migration. The sub-Interface needs to be re-configured by you at the device interface configuration level after the interface VC is migrated.
Migration Workflow
The following high-level workflow illustrates the migration process. This workflow assumes that there is a new destination device already created prior to the migration.
Select the device and the virtual connection to migrate from.
Select the new device to migrate the virtual connection.
Migrate the virtual connection.
Perform connectivity after the migration.
Migrate Virtual Connections
Sign in to Network Edge and go to your Virtual Device Inventory.
Click the device you want to migrate.
In the Virtual Device Details, click the Connections tab and click the connection you are migrating.
Click the Origin tab and then click Migrate.
In the Migrate this Connection to a new Device box, select a New Virtual Device and a New Interface Name.
Carefully review the terms and conditions for this order, and then click the terms check box.
Click Confirm.
When the migration is initiated, a banner displays indicating that migration is in progress. When migration is successfully completed, you’ll receive an email notifying you of the completed migration.
If migration fails, a banner displays indicating failure appears in the connection detail page. If this happens, you can either retry the migration or open a support case with Equinix.