New User Registration for Network Edge

Sign up for an Equinix Fabric account to order Network Edge Virtual Devices and Equinix Fabric Virtual Connections. This portal account will give you Administrator account access if you are the first user signing up for your company. If you need to onboard more users in your organization after the first user account, access the Administration section in the Equinix Fabric portal. For more information about managing Network Edge permissions, see Manage Network Edge Permissions.

Using Equinix Platform (IAM):

Users of Network Edge who use Equinix Fabric ports and participate in Equinix Platform (IAM) can use the Context Switcher to set or change the project they work with in Network Edge. Only assets within the selected project are shown. For more information, see Identity and Access Management.

Set Up New User

  1. Go to the Equinix Fabric portal and click Create your account.

  2. In the Create New User form, enter your user credentials and profile information as required.
  3. Note: The user name must be unique with at least eight characters. Only alphanumeric characters, numbers, and special characters are allowed. The password must be unique and at least eight characters, one special character, one alphabetical character, and a number. For special characters, refer to the instruction shown for each field.

  4. In the Terms of Use section, review the Terms of Use and then select I have read and agree to the Terms of Use.

  5. In the Privacy Statement section, review and accept the Privacy Statement and then select Use of your data on this portal (Required for portal access).

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Security Settings section, set a Service Desk PIN, select three Security Questions, and click Register.

    Note: Remember your PIN as you will need it to reset your password. You can't repeat a security question or answer.

  8. You will receive an email with an account verification link. Click that link. Once your account is verified, you can sign in to your new account.

  9. Go to the Equinix Fabric portal and enter your credentials to sign in to the portal.