Network Edge Identity and Access Management
Equinix has enhanced the Identity and Access Management (IAM) experience to provide better organization of your digital assets (virtual devices and connections), allowing you to manage your resources with organizationally defined boundaries. IAM also allows you to define and control who and what roles can access your digital resources. It also optimizes resources and billing account mapping. This topic discusses IAM for Network Edge services in detail.
The IAM experience includes Customer Resource Hierarchy (CRH), Access Management (AM), user roles, and project-based grouping in the Identity and Access Management portal. For more information, see the Identity and Access Management documentation.
Network Edge Resource Access
There are four types of Network Edge-related roles:
Network Edge Viewer
Device Manager
Connections Manager
Fabric Service Profile Manager (for Service Profiles)
See the Roles and Permissions Reference documentation to understand roles related to other products, including Fabric virtual connections.
Controlling Assets using Projects
Your organization’s assets are grouped into projects to give you visibility and control. Selecting a project is required for creating, enabling, and using Fabric and Network Edge services.
Projects store and organize your Network Edge assets such as virtual devices and connections into logical groups.
Using Equinix Platform IAM
Users who have Equinix Fabric ports and participate in Equinix Platform (IAM) can use the Context Switcher set or change the project they work with in Network Edge.
Only assets within the selected project are shown. For more information, see Identity and Access Management.
Asset Organization
Before creating a connection or ordering a virtual device, select a project in the drop-down at the top of the page. When you create a connection or order a device, these new assets will be assigned to your project.
Important: To create or edit a project, you must have the correct permissions. If you need help, contact your organization’s Primary Admin, Organization Admin, or Project Admin.
Switch Between Projects
Depending on your permissions, you can view your organization hierarchy and shared assets by selecting Resource Management under the menu icon. Use the Context Switcher to set or change the project you work with in Fabric. If you don’t see the asset you’re looking for, it could be in a different project.