
Roles provide a convenient way to control user access to projects and assets across your organization. Depending on the role that you are assigned, you can access various Equinix Fabric and Network Edge resources.

The roles used in your organization define the permissions that are needed to access different projects, organizations, and assets. Some roles are provided by Identity and Access Management (IAM), and other custom roles are set up for Fabric.

Using Equinix Platform (IAM):

Equinix Fabric users participating in Equinix Platform (IAM) can use the Context Switcher to set or change the project they work with in Fabric. Only assets within the selected project are shown.

For more information, see Identity and Access Management.

Roles and Permissions

IAM provides standard roles that can be assigned to users. In addition, custom roles are available to support specific project needs. Your IAM Admin or Primary Admin can create and assign the roles to users as needed. See Roles for more information about standard and custom roles and permissions.

View Roles

Depending on your permissions, you can view your organization hierarchy and available roles by selecting Identity and Access Management under the left side menu. Use the Context Switcher to select or change the project, then click the Roles tab to view and display details about the roles that are available.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

To learn more about the functionality of Equinix Platform (IAM) and how to view and manage your roles, see Identity and Access Management.