Reset Password
Reset Your IAM Password Video
To reset your password:
On the portal login page, click Reset password.
Enter your email address. A reset link is sent to your email. Click on the link attached.
Select one of the accounts associated with the provided email address for which you want to reset the password.
Enter your new password. Requirements:
Must be at least 14 characters long
Must contain at least one lower-case letter (from a-z)
Must contain at least one upper-case letter (from A-Z)
Must contain at least one numeral (from 0-9)
Must contain at least one special character: # ! $ ^ & * @
Must not include any of these special characters: ; < > [ ] { } % ' "
Must not include spaces
Must not contain two identical characters consecutively
Repeat the password and click Save New Password.
Sign in with your new password.