Administrator Responsibilities

These procedures and best-practice tips help administrators to create and manage Customer Portal user accounts.

Video – Assigning Permissions and Onboarding Users

Administrators can use the Customer Portal to add new users and make changes to user accounts.

Tip: There are two types of administrators: company administrators and IBX administrators. For more information about these roles, see Roles in the Customer Portal.

Access the User Management Dashboard

The User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal provides simple ways to add new users and make changes to user accounts. To access the dashboard:

  1. Sign in to the Equinix Customer Portal.

  2. From the Administration menu, choose User Management.

    Note: The Administration menu is visible only to Administrators.

    The User Management dashboard is displayed. On this screen, you can filter and access user accounts, run the User Details report, and perform other administrative tasks.

Create User Accounts

Video – Creating a New User

From the User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal, you can add new users or send email invitations for them to create their own account.

Tip: Inviting a user takes less time than adding a user.

User name requirements:

  • Must be between 8 and 100 characters long

  • Must not include these special characters: # ? ! $ ^ * ; < > [ ] { } % ' "

  • Must not include spaces

Important: Equinix Does Not Recommend Shared Logins
We require each user to have their own login. Using shared logins gives multiple people access to the Equinix portals and your data. This is not recommended for the following reasons:

Accountability: Difficult to trace actions in the portal (such as deletion of resources) to specific users.
Security Risk: Increased chance of unauthorized use or breaches.
Privilege and Access Control: Cannot enforce proper access levels for each person.
Former Employees: Previous users may still have access.
Multi-Factor Challenges: Hinders effective multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Password Changes: A password reset impacts everyone using the shared login.

Manage User Accounts

New user accounts require permissions and passwords. The User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal provides several ways for you to handle these tasks efficiently. You can also manage user notifications and registrations, and terminate or deactivate user accounts that are no longer needed.