Administrator Responsibilities
These procedures and best-practice tips help administrators to create and manage Customer Portal user accounts.
Video – Assigning Permissions and Onboarding Users
Administrators can use the Customer Portal to add new users and make changes to user accounts.
Tip: There are two types of administrators: company administrators and IBX administrators. For more information about these roles, see Roles in the Customer Portal.
Access the User Management Dashboard
The User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal provides simple ways to add new users and make changes to user accounts. To access the dashboard:
Sign in to the Equinix Customer Portal.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Note: The Administration menu is visible only to Administrators.
The User Management dashboard is displayed. On this screen, you can filter and access user accounts, run the User Details report, and perform other administrative tasks.
Create User Accounts
Video – Creating a New User
From the User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal, you can add new users or send email invitations for them to create their own account.
Tip: Inviting a user takes less time than adding a user.
User name requirements:
Must be between 8 and 100 characters long
Must not include these special characters: # ? ! $ ^ * ; < > [ ] { } % ' "
Must not include spaces
Important: Equinix Does Not Recommend Shared Logins
We require each user to have their own login. Using shared logins gives multiple people access to the Equinix portals and your data. This is not recommended for the following reasons:
● Accountability: Difficult to trace actions in the portal (such as deletion of resources) to specific users.
● Security Risk: Increased chance of unauthorized use or breaches.
● Privilege and Access Control: Cannot enforce proper access levels for each person.
● Former Employees: Previous users may still have access.
● Multi-Factor Challenges: Hinders effective multi-factor authentication (MFA).
● Password Changes: A password reset impacts everyone using the shared login.

Administrators can create new user accounts by sending email invitations. Users can click the invitation link in their email, and activate their accounts by setting up a password, PIN, and other details. Then, users can immediately sign into the Customer Portal and other portals using their new credentials (based on the permissions you assigned to them).
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Click Create User.
Select the Invite Users tab.
Enter the user's email address, and if needed, edit the Subject and Message fields.
Click Invite.
An email is sent to the user, with a link that allows them to activate their new account.
Tip: To save time when inviting users to create their own accounts, you can add multiple email addresses to the Invite User form. Each user receives an email invitation that contains their unique registration link.
After each user creates an account, you must approve the new account and add permissions. See Approve or Reject User Registrations and Assign Permissions to a User.

Important: Each user should have their own account. User names and passwords should not be shared.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Click Create User.
Choose the Add User(s) tab.
Specify whether you're adding an Equinix employee or an external vendor.
Enter the user's information (email address, name, company, etc.).
If the user's access to the portal should expire on a specific date:
Select an expiration date from the calendar under Deactivation Date.
Click select time to specify the expiration time of day, then click OK.
To specify a language for the new user, choose from the Language drop-down list. English (United States) is the default.
Select the user's local time zone.
Click Submit.
Important: To activate the new account, you must assign permissions. See Assign Permissions to a User.

When adding multiple users, you can use the Batch Upload process to enter information for up to 20 users at a time.
Important: The Batch Upload process assigns the same time zone and portal language (and optionally, a deactivation date) to all users included in the batch.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Click Create User.
Choose the Add User(s) tab.
Click Batch Upload (upper right corner).
Click Download Template to download the Microsoft Excel template.
Complete the template with information for up to 20 users, save it, and close the file.
Important: Do not change the column names or formatting of the file.
Click Upload File(s). Browse to find your completed template and click Open.
Click Confirm.
The fields on the Add User(s) tab are filled with the information from your import file.
Select the portal language and time zone (and optionally, a deactivation date) for these users.
Click Submit.
Important: To activate the new accounts, you must assign permissions. See Assign Permissions to a User.
Manage User Accounts
New user accounts require permissions and passwords. The User Management dashboard in the Customer Portal provides several ways for you to handle these tasks efficiently. You can also manage user notifications and registrations, and terminate or deactivate user accounts that are no longer needed.

You can search for users by navigating to Administration, select User Management.
- Filter the users according to the following criteria:
- Permissions – allowed user actions
- Status – state of user (active, inactive etc...)
- User Role – predefined set of user permissions
You can also search by adding Keywords such as:
Legal First Name
Legal Last Name
Tip: For many of these, you can use a partial word match; for example, to find all users with a specific email domain, you could enter the domain suffix (such as as the search term.
Click Clear Filters to reset all search criteria.

Tip: To grant physical access to IBXs, cages, and cabinets, see IBX Access Permissions.
Video – Assigning User Permissions
Note: In large organizations, permission changes might take a few minutes to propagate through the system. If a user has trouble using their newly defined permissions, ask them to log out, wait a few minutes, then log in again.

A template provides an easy, efficient way to assign the same set of frequently used permissions across your organization. You can create templates and apply them to users who need the same permissions to perform similar roles.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Click Create User.
Choose the Add User(s) tab.
Enter information about this template into the following fields.
Note: You are entering information for a generic user profile, not an actual user. This profile is not activated in the portal; it is only used as a template to apply permissions to other users.
Given or Legal First Name – Definition for this type of user. For example: NOCuser
Surname or Legal Last Name – Enter template (this allows you to search for templates later).
Email – Your email address.
Username (Optional) – Unique name that helps identify this template quickly in the dashboard. For example: nocusertemplate
Company – Your company name.
Country Code – Your country code.
Work Phone – Your work phone number.
Click Submit.
A confirmation is displayed at the top of the window.
Click the Assign Permissions link in the confirmation.
The User Management dashboard is displayed.
On the dashboard, click
at the right end of the row, and choose Manage Permission.
The Permissions tab displays a catalog of permission types.
Select the permissions for this template. For details, see Assign Permissions Manually.
Important: Later, when you use this template to assign permissions to other user accounts, these are the permissions that will be applied to those users.
Click Submit.

Important: Assigning permissions from a template overwrites any previous permissions that were assigned to the user.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
In the Filter by section, type template in the Add Keyword field.
Your templates are listed.
On the dashboard, click
to the right of the template user name, and choose Copy Permissions From.
The available users are listed.
Click the checkboxes on the left of the dashboard to select the users to whom you want to apply the template permissions.
Click Apply at the top of the user list:
The permissions from the template are applied to the selected users. Any other prior permissions are removed from the selected user accounts.

Tip: To save time when assigning the same permissions to multiple users, use a template. See Create a Template to Assign Permissions and Assign Permissions from a Template.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Find the user account you want to manage.
Note:Tip: To quickly locate new user accounts, set the Status filter to Not Activated.
at the right end of the row, and choose Manage Permission.
The Permissions tab displays a catalog of permission types:
If this is a new user account, click Administration and IBX Access Services Request.
A list shows all the IBX locations available for this user.
(Optional) To assign master or IBX administrator privileges to this user, click Administrator Privileges, then select the administrator role to assign:
For information about admin roles, see Roles in the Customer Portal.
Select the IBX and cage permissions for the user:
To assign more permission types (such as Ordering, Billing, etc.), use the Back button to return to the Permissions tab. Assign additional permissions as needed.
Permission Types
Category Description Administration and IBX Access Services Request Allows the user to schedule IBX access requests (Work Visits, Conference Rooms, and Data Center Tours). Allows administrators to manage other Customer Portal user accounts. Ordering Allows the user to place orders in the portal (for Shipments, Cross Connect and Intra-Facility Cables, Network Ports, Smart Hands, Accessories, Power, Trouble Tickets), to view orders by other users, and to view purchase orders for their organization. IBX Data Center Access Allows the user to access IBX data centers and cages/cabinets, to bring guests, and to remove equipment. Install Base Allows the user to view details about their organization's products/assets and purchase orders. Controls access to the Install Base screen, Install Base report, Colocation Assets screen, and Purchase Order Management screen. Billing and Payments Allows the user to view financial records, payment history, and purchase orders for their organization. IBX Services Notifications Allows the user to subscribe to notifications about IBX incidents, network incidents, unannounced shipments, managed services, and IBX policy violations. Also allows the user to view incidents on the Service Insight Dashboard.
Important: At least two administrators in each organization must be configured to receive IBX policy violations (i.e., the Can view and subscribe to IBX Policy Violation Notifications permission).
Internet Exchange Portal Allows the user to access the Internet Exchange (IX) portal. Equinix Internet Access and Equinix Connect Allows the user to view their Equinix Internet Access and Equinix Connect traffic and network behavior. Equinix Fabric and Network Edge Allows the user to access the Fabric and Network Edge products. Smart View Allows the user to order Equinix Smart View for IBXs, and view Smart View data. Remote Network Products Allows the user to order remote network products for IBXs in a specific region. Smart Hands Support Plan Allows the user to order a Smart Hands support plan and subscribe to notifications for their support plan. Colocation Ordering Allows the user to order Secure Cabinet and Private Cage products online. Virtual Asset Notification Permission Allows the user to view and subscribe to Fabric and Network Edge virtual asset notifications. Managed Services Portal Allows the user to access the Managed Services portal. Power Consumption Report Allows the user to run the Power Consumption Report. -
To return to User Management so you can send a notification to the user, click the Manage User(s) link in the upper left section of the window:
Find the user, click
to the right of user name, and choose Create Password.
Tip: Once you assign permissions, the user account is active. If you cannot find the user, set the Status filter to Active.
Click Submit in the Create Password? window.
The user receives an email link to complete their account activation steps.
For more details, see IBX Access Permissions.

You can create user passwords individually from inside each user's account, or you can send email to users notifying them to create their passwords.
Tip: The User Management dashboard enables you to identify a list of users who haven't yet created their passwords, then send a batch email notification reminding them to complete the password process. This process is faster and easier than opening and managing individual user profiles.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Choose Create Passwords from the List Actions drop-down list.
The list is filtered to display the user accounts with no assigned password, or with expiring passwords, at the top.
Select one or more user accounts, and click the Apply link above the list.
The users receive an email link to complete the process of creating or resetting their password.

From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Choose Create Passwords from the List Actions drop-down list.
The list is filtered to display the user accounts with no assigned password, or with expiring passwords, at the top.
to the right of the user name, and choose Create Password.
Enter the new password for the user account, then click Submit.
Password requirements:
Must be at least 14 characters long
Must contain at least one lower-case letter (from a-z)
Must contain at least one upper-case letter (from A-Z)
Must contain at least one numeral (from 0-9)
Must contain at least one special character: # ! $ ^ & * @
Must not include any of these special characters: ; < > [ ] { } % ' "
Must not include spaces
Must not contain two identical characters consecutively

In times of crisis, Equinix provides information and instructions to users who are identified as Crisis Management Contacts. You can assign these crisis management and security roles to the users who need to receive and respond to emergency notifications.
Note: Equinix recommends that you provide the phone number of your operations center and/or staff members who are familiar with your licensed colocation space and equipment.
Important: Review your crisis contacts periodically to ensure we can reach the right people in a time-sensitive situation.
Tip: To verify that crisis contacts are assigned, generate the Crisis Contact Report.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Find the user to identify as a crisis management contact or a security contact.
to the right of the user name, and choose View Profile.
The user profile is displayed.
Select the Crisis Contact Management tab.
For each Account that is available, select the role to assign:
Crisis Management Contact – The user will be contacted if a natural disaster, a major event on a worldwide scale, or a disruptive and unexpected event threatens the organization or its stakeholders (for example, a terrorist attack or a pandemic).
Physical Security Contact – The user will be contacted if a serious issue affects physical equipment, or if a crisis occurs at the IBX (for example, a hurricane, or IBX-specific issues).
Information Security Contact – The user will be contacted in the event of a cyber threat or an information security issue (for example, a ransomware attack or a data breach).
Click Submit.
If a crisis or a security event occurs, the assigned Crisis Management Contacts will receive an email notification.

Once you've assigned permissions to a user, you can set up notification preferences for the user.
Tip: Users can also configure their own preferences. For details, see Notification Preferences.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
Find the user whose notifications you want to set up.
to the right of the user name, and choose View Profile.
The user profile is displayed.
Select the Notification Preferences tab.
The notification cards that are available for this user are displayed.
Click the notification card, and select the type of notifications that the user should receive.
For some notifications, you can select email, SMS (text messaging), or voice notifications. For example:
Click Submit.

After you invite a user to the portal, you'll receive an email when they submit their user registration. You must then approve their registration before they can access the portal:
In the Message Center of your Customer Portal dashboard, click USER REGISTRATIONS (on the Pending tab).
Tip: You can also access USER REGISTRATIONS by clicking
in the upper right corner of any portal screen. Or, you can find users awaiting approval on the User Management screen by setting the Status filter to Pending Approval.
Click the link to the new user account.
The User Management window is displayed, listing one or more user accounts.
To approve or reject a single user:
at the right end of the row.
Choose Approve Registration or Reject Registration.
Click Submit.
To approve or reject multiple users at once:
For newly approved users, their status on the User Management screen changes from Pending Approval to Not Activated. To finish activating their account, see Assign Permissions to a User.

Video – Deactivating and Terminating User Accounts
Important: Deactivating or terminating a user account also deactivates the users's IBX access enrollment. This removes the user's ability to physically access the IBXs.
Equinix recommends that you terminate or deactivate a user account according to these guidelines:
Terminate a user account – Use this option if the user leaves the company or changes to a job role that does not require Customer Portal access. Terminations take effect immediately. A terminated user account cannot be reactivated; it must be recreated as a new account, and the user's permissions must be configured again.
Deactivate a user account – Use this option for a user who goes on an extended leave (and will need to be reactivated later), or for a departing contractor who is expected to return at a later date. Deactivations can take effect immediately, or can be scheduled for a future date. Use the Reactivate User action to restore a deactivated user account, including the associated permissions.
Users can be terminated/deactivated by a company administrator or an IBX administrator; but administrators can only be terminated/deactivated by a company administrator.
From the Administration menu, choose User Management.
To terminate or deactivate a single user:
at the right end of the row.
Choose Deactivate User or Terminate User.
To terminate or deactivate multiple users at once:
For terminations, enter a reason for the termination, then click Yes, Terminate User.
For deactivations, specify whether the account should be deactivated immediately or at a specified future date/time, then click Deactivate.
Tip: When you add a user account manually, you can schedule an automatic deactivation date for that account. This is recommended if you know that the user's access to the portal should expire on a specific date. See Add a User for more information.

Users with invalid email addresses pose a security threat. To address this risk, these users are prompted to update their email addresses. If they do not, their accounts are deactivated.
Once the user's account is deactivated, only the company administrator can reactivate the account and update their email address.
To identify users with invalid email addresses: