Connect to an Enterprise

Establish a connection between your IBX colocated assets and a third-party, based on the parameters defined in the service profile.

Step 1: Authenticate

Submit your user credentials, Client ID, and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.

Refer to Generating Client ID and Client Secret under the Getting Access Token section for instructions on how to create client ID and client secret and refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens section for instructions on how to call Oauth API to validate and authenticate your credentials.

If you are unaware of your user credentials for Equinix Fabric, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Step 2: Get Attribute Information

1. Determine A-side port information
Retrieve your Equinix Fabric ports information using the Get All Ports API request.

2. Choose Z-side metro location
Use the Get All Metros API request to find all metros where Equinix Fabric is available and determine destination location.

3. Identify service profile
Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for a specific service profile or use the Get Service Profiles API request to list all available service profiles, and identify the profile you want to connect to.

Step 3: Create Connection

Use the POST /fabric/v4/connections API request to create a connection with the pre-determined attributes.

POST /fabric/v4/connections
Method POST
Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters Not applicable
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, order, redundancy, bandwidth, aSide, zSide, notifications

Use the Retrieve Pricing API request to retrieve connection price estimate.

Sample curl request - connection from a DOT1Q port to a third-party based on a service profile

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "EVPL_VC",
    "name": "Conn-1",
    "order": {
        "purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
    "bandwidth": 1000,
    "redundancy": {
        "group": "b767f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd",
        "priority": "SECONDARY"
    "aSide": {
        "accessPoint": {
            "type": "COLO",
            "port": {
                "uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
            "linkProtocol": {
                "type": "DOT1Q",
                "vlanTag": 1001
    "zSide": {
        "accessPoint": {
            "type": "SP",
            "profile": {
                "uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
            "location": {
                "metroCode": "SV"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [

Sample curl request - connection from a QINQ port to a third-party based on a service profile

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "EVPL_VC",
    "name": "Conn-1",
    "order": {
        "purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
    "bandwidth": 1000,
    "redundancy": {
        "group": "b767f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd",
        "priority": "SECONDARY"
    "aSide": {
        "accessPoint": {
            "type": "COLO",
            "port": {
                "uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
            "linkProtocol": {
                "type": "QINQ",
                "vlanCTag": 1001,
                "vlanSTag": 1002
    "zSide": {
        "accessPoint": {
            "type": "SP",
            "profile": {
                "uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
            "location": {
                "metroCode": "SV"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [

Body parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example values Applicable values Description
type yes string EVPL_VC EVPL_VC Connection type.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet Vrtual Private Line
name yes string Conn-1 Maximum: 24 characters
Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-') and underscores ('_')
Connection name.
order no object - - Order details.
order.purchaseOrderNumber no string 1-129105284100 - Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
redundancy Conditional object - - Redundancy details. Conditional string b767f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd - Redundancy group Id. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection. You can also find the group of the primary by checking the response you receive when creating primary connection.
redundancy.priority Conditional string SECONDARY PRIMARY,
Whether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a redundancy group for a PRIMARY connection.
bandwidth yes integer 100 50
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
aSide yes object - - Source port definition for A-side.
aSide.accessPoint yes object - - Connection endpoint configuration.
accessPoint.type yes string COLO COLO Connection endpoint type.
accessPoint.port yes object - - Port associated with the connection.
port.uuid yes string a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd - Equinix-assigned port identifier.
accessPoint.linkProtocol yes object - - Link protocol configuration.
linkProtocol.type yes string DOT1Q DOT1Q
Link protocol type.
linkProtocol.vlanTag yes integer 1001 Range: 2-4094 DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
linkProtocol.vlanCTag yes integer 1002 Range: 2-4094 QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
linkProtocol.vlanSTag yes integer 1003 Range: 2-4094 QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
zSide yes object - - Z-side connection configuration.
zSide.accessPoint yes object - - Connection endpoint configuration.
accessPoint.type yes string SP SP Connection endpoint type.

SP - Service profile defining connection details
accessPoint.profile yes object - - A named provider service and it's network connectivity requirements. This includes the basic marketing information and one or more sets of access points (a set per each access point type) fulfilling the provider service.
profile.uuid yes string 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5 - Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
location.metrocode yes string SV - Metropolitan area identifier.
notifications yes array[object] - - Subscriber preferences for notification of changes in asset configuration or status.
notifications.type yes string ALL ALL Notification preferences for a specified asset, such as a service token, port, access point, or profile.
notifications.emails yes array[string] [""] Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
List of up to 12 recipients.

If you get "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response - connection from a DOT1Q port to a third-party based on a service profile

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-1",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"order": {
    "purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
    "billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
    "group": "b767f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd",
    "priority": "SECONDARY"
"aSide": {
    "accessPoint": {
        "type": "COLO",
        "port": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "XF_PORT",
            "uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
        "linkProtocol": {
            "type": "DOT1Q",
            "vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
    "accessPoint": {
        "type": "SP",
        "profile": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "L2_Profile",
            "uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
        "location": {
            "href": "",
            "metrocode": "SV",
            "region": "AMER"
"notifications": [
        "type": "ALL",
        "emails": [
"operation": {
    "equinixStatus": "PENDING_APPROVAL",
    "providerStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE"
"changeLog": {
    "createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"

Response payload body description

Response payload includes configuration parameters defined in the request body. The following table contains descriptions of additional information included in the response payload. For descriptions of the remaining fields, refer to the Body parameters section.

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string Returns the specified connection URL where the resource resides.
uuid string 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62 Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
state string PROVISIONING Lifecycle stage of a connection.
port.href string An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
port.type string XF_PORT Type of port.

XF_PORT - Equinix Fabric port used as a Fabric connection endpoint.
profile.href string An absolute URL that returns the specified service profile.
profile.type string L2_PROFILE Type of profile.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
location.href string An absolute URL that returns the specified metro.
location.region string AMER Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
operation object - Access point operational data.
operation.equinixStatus string PROVISIONING Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
operation.providerStatus string NOT_AVAILABLE Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
changeLog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
changeLog.createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Connection creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

redundancy object Redundancy details. string 7a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea63 Unique Id of the redundancy group.
redundancy.priority string PRIMARY Whether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY.

Use the Get Specified Connection API request to monitor connection status.

parameter values
parameter values
PENDING_APPROVAL NOT_AVAILABLE Connection request awaitingapproval.
PROVISIONING or REJECTED NOT_AVAILABLE Connection establishment in progress or the seller has rejected the connection.
PROVISIONED AVAILABLE Connection established.