Routing Protocols

Create Routing Protocol Instance

POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
Method POST
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request adds a routing protocol definition to a given connection.

Sample curl request - direct routing instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "name": "My-Direct-route-1",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "bgpIpv6": {
        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "customerAsn": 65002,
    "bgpAuthKey": "string",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 100

Sample curl request - connection to Google Cloud Platform - direct routing instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""

Sample curl request - connection to Google Cloud Platform - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'-d '{
    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "customerAsn": 65002,
    "bgpAuthKey": "string",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 100

Path parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve ConnectionsAPI request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
type yes string BGP BGP
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
name no string My-BGP-route-1 - Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled no boolean true true, false Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
equinixIfaceIp yes string IPv4 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIp yes string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 IPv6 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
bgpIpv4 no object - - BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 no object - - BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsn yes integer 65002 Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKey no string a667d47acc18ea6b Maximum: 80 characters Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfd no object - - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIp yes string IPv4 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1  

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

customerPeerIp yes string 2001:db8:c59b::1 IPv6 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1  

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium

enabled no boolean true true

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
interval no integer 100 Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - direct routing instance

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changelog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1,
        "total": 1
    "data": [
            "type": "BGP",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 0,
                "operation": {
                    "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
        "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 0,
                "operation": {
                    "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
            "customerAsn": 20034,
            "bgpAuthKey": "",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": false,
                "interval": ""
            "href": "",
            "uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
            "state": "PROVISIONING",
            "change": {
                "uuid": "5c4efb71-b0ff-40fb-97a6-02faa7d8d4a2",
                "type": "ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION",
                "href": ""
            "changelog": {
                "createdBy": "jaguser1",
                "createdByEmail": "",
                "createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
                "updatedBy": "jaguser1",
                "updatedByEmail": "",
                "updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
state string PROVISIONING Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Details of the latest change.
changeLog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled boolean true Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuid string 75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879 Unique Id of the latest configuration.
href string Link to the latest configuration.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION Type of change, whether CREATION, UPDATE, or DELETION.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium

enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

updatedDateTime string 2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:


Create Routing Protocol Instances

POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/bulk
Method POST
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/bulk
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, equinixAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request adds routing protocol definitions to a given connection.

Sample curl request - direct routing instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "data": [
            "type": "DIRECT",
            "name": "My-Direct-route-1",
            "directIpv4": {
                "equinixIfaceIp": ""
            "directIpv6": {
                "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "data": [
            "type": "BGP",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "customerAsn": 65002,
            "bgpAuthKey": "string",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": true,
                "interval": 100

Sample curl request - direct routing and BGP routing protocol instances

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "data": [
            "type": "BGP",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1

            "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "customerAsn": 65002,
            "bgpAuthKey": "string",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": true,
                "interval": 100
            "type": "BGP",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "customerAsn": 65002,
            "bgpAuthKey": "string",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": true,
                "interval": 100

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
data yes array[object] - - Data array containing search results.
type yes string BGP BGP
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
name no string My-BGP-route-1 - Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled no boolean true true, false Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
equinixIfaceIp yes string IPv4 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIp yes string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 IPv6 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
bgpIpv4 no object - - BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 no object - - BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsn yes integer 65002 Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKey no string a667d47acc18ea6b Maximum: 80 characters Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfd no object - - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIp yes string IPv4 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1  

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

customerPeerIp yes string 2001:db8:c59b::1 IPv6 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1  

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

enabled no boolean true true

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
interval no integer 100 Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - direct routing instance

        "href": "",
        "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
        "changelog": {
            "createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
        "type": "DIRECT",
        "directIpv4": {
            "equinixIfaceIp": ""
        "directIpv6": {
            "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1,
        "total": 1
    "data": [
            "type": "BGP",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 0,
                "operation": {
                    "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
        "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 0,
                "operation": {
                    "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
            "customerAsn": 20034,
            "bgpAuthKey": "",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": false,
                "interval": ""
            "href": "",
            "uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
            "state": "PROVISIONING",
            "change": {
                "uuid": "5c4efb71-b0ff-40fb-97a6-02faa7d8d4a2",
                "type": "ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION",
                "href": ""
            "changelog": {
                "createdBy": "jaguser1",
                "createdByEmail": "",
                "createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
                "updatedBy": "jaguser1",
                "updatedByEmail": "",
                "updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
data array[object] - Data array containing search results.
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
state string PROVISIONING Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Details of the latest change.
changeLog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled boolean true Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuid string 75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879 Unique Id of the latest configuration.
href string Link to the latest configuration.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION Type of change, whether CREATION, UPDATE, or DELETION.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium

enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

updatedDateTime string 2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:


Get Specified Routing Protocol Instance

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request retrieves details of a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample cURL request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI' 

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - BGP routing protocol instance

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
        "updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "equinixPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1,
        "operation": {
            "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
    "bgpIpv6": {
        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1,
        "operation": {
            "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
    "customerAsn": 0,
    "equinixAsn": 0,
    "bgpAuthKey": "a667d47acc18ea6b",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 100

Sample response - direct routing protocol instance

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
state string PROVISIONED Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Details of the latest change.
changelog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - BGP routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - BGP routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled boolean true Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
operation object - BGP operational state.
directIpv4 object - Direct routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 object - Direct routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuid string 75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879 Unique Id of the latest configuration.
href string Link to the latest configuration.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION Type of change, whether CREATION, UPDATE, or DELETION.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

operationalStatus string UP BGP connection state. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAt string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z When the BGP operational status changed last.
customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium

operationalStatus string UP BGP operational state. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAt string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z When the bgpIpv6 operational status changed last.
enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
equinixIfaceIp string Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side.
equinixIfaceIp string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side.
createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

updatedDateTime string 2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:


Get All Routing Protocol Instances

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request retrieves routing protocol definitions associated with a specified connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI' 

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

    "pagination": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 20,
    "total": 2
    "data": [

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
        "updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "equinixPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1,
        "operation": {
            "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
    "bgpIpv6": {
        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1,
        "operation": {
            "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
    "customerAsn": 0,
    "equinixAsn": 0,
    "bgpAuthKey": "string",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 100
    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "PROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
        "updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
pagination object - Search results pagination settings.
offset integer 0 Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer 20 Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer 99 Total number of items available.
data array[object] - Data array containing search results.
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
state string PROVISIONED Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Details of the latest change.
changelog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - BGP routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - BGP routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
operation object - BGP operational state.
directIpv4 object - Direct routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 object - Direct routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled boolean true Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuid string 75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879 Unique Id of the latest configuration.
href string Link to the latest configuration.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION Type of change, whether CREATION, UPDATE, or DELETION.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium

operationalStatus string UP BGP connection state. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAt string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z When the BGP operational status changed last.
customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED integer 1 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax integer 1

The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.

  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium

operationalStatus string UP BGP connection status. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAt string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z When the BGP operational status changed last.
enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
equinixIfaceIp string Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side.
equinixIfaceIp string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side.
createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

updatedDateTime string 2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:


Replace Routing Protocol Instance

PUT /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Method PUT
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request replaces a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample curl request - DIRECT

curl -X
PUT ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "name": "My-updated-DIRECT-route",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP

curl -X
PUT ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "bgpIpv6": {
        "customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::1111:2",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 3
    "customerAsn": "1000"

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Body parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
type yes string BGP BGP
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
name no string My-BGP-route-1 - Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 yes object - - Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled no boolean true true, false Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
bgpIpv4 no object - - BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 no object - - BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsn yes integer 65002 Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKey no string a667d47acc18ea6b Maximum: 80 characters Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfd no object - - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIp yes string IPv4 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIp yes string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 IPv6 address in CIDR notation. Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIp yes string IPv4 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1   The maximum number of IPv4 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.
  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 1000 for Standard
    • 4000 for Advanced
    • 10000 for Premium
customerPeerIp yes string 2001:db8:c59b::1 IPv6 address. Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enabled no boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount no integer 1 0,1,3,5 We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMED no integer 1 1 - 4294967295 The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
routesMax no integer 1   The maximum number of IPv6 prefixes received from a BGP peer on a connection.
  • Min possible: 1
  • Max possible:
    • 50 for Lab
    • 100 for Standard
    • 250 for Advanced
    • 500 for Premium
enabled no boolean true true

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
interval no integer 100 Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - DIRECT

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "REPROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changelog": {
        "createdBy": "",
        "createdByFullName": "abc",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z",
        "updatedBy": "",
        "updatedByFullName": "abc",
        "updatedByEmail": "",
        "updatedDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"
    "type": "DIRECT",
    "name": "My-updated-DIRECT-route",
    "directIpv4": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": ""
    "directIpv6": {
        "equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

    "type": "BGP",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "equinixPeerIp": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1,
        "operation": {
            "operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
    "customerAsn": 20034,
    "bgpAuthKey": "",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": false,
        "interval": ""
    "href": "",
    "uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
    "state": "REPROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "51f86ed1-1348-47bf-bf79-a49498d3126e",
        "type": "ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE",
        "href": ""
    "changelog": {
        "createdBy": "jaguser1",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
        "updatedBy": "jaguser1",
        "updatedByEmail": "",
        "updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:59:01.012757Z"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170 Routing protocol definition identifier.
state string REPROVISIONING Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Routing protocol change request definition.
changelog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string DIRECT Routing protocol type.
name string My-direct-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4 object - Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6 object - Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabled boolean true Defines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
uuid string 3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170 Routing protocol change request identifier.
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition change request.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE Routing protocol definition change request type.
equinixIfaceIp string Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIp string 2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126 Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.

Update Routing Protocol

PATCH /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Method PATCH
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters op, path, value

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "/bgpIpv6/enabled",
            "value": false


Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Body parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
op yes string replace replace Operation to perform. As of now, we only support "replace."
path yes string /bgpIpv6/enabled /bgpIpv6/enabled, /bgpIpv4/enabled Specify the parameter you want to update. As of now, we only support bgpIpv4 and bgpIpv6
value yes boolean true true, false The new value of the parameter.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"change": {
    "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "href": "",
"changelog": {
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByFullName": "abc",
    "createdByEmail": "",
    "createdDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z",
    "updatedBy": "",
    "updatedByFullName": "abc",
    "updatedByEmail": "",
    "updatedDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
    "enabled": true,
    "customerPeerIp": "",
    "outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 10000,
"equinixAsn": 10001

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuid string 3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170 Routing protocol definition identifier.
state string REPROVISIONING Entity lifecycle status.
change object - Routing protocol change request definition.
changelog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
customerAsn number 10000 Customer Asn.
equinixAsn number 10001 Equinix Asn.
bgpIpv4 object - Direct routing related bgpIpv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - Direct routing related bgpIpv6 addressing configuration.
uuid string 3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170 Routing protocol change request identifier.
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition change request.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE Routing protocol definition change request type.
createdBy string Created by.
createdByFullName string abc ram Full name of the creator.
createdByEmail string Email of the creator.
createdDateTime string "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z" Time of creation.
updatedBy string Updated by.
updatedByFullName string abc ram Full name of the updator.
updatedByEmail string Email of the updator.
updatedDateTime string "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z" Time of update.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering Ipv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled.
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIp string 2001:7a9:34f4:1 Customer side BGP peering Ipv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled.
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.

Get All Routing Protocol Change Requests

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns all change requests associated with a given routing protocol definition.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections and then use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances to get the list of routing protocol definitions for a given connection.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Sample response

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20,
        "total": 1
    "data": [
            "href": "",
            "type": "ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE",
            "uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
            "data": {
                "op": "replace",
                "path": "/",
                "value": {
                    "type": "BGP",
                    "name": "My-BGP-route-1",
                    "bgpIpv4": {
                        "customerPeerIp": "",
                        "equinixPeerIp": "",
                        "enabled": true,
                        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
                    "bgpIpv6": {
                        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
                        "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                        "enabled": true,
                        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
                    "customerAsn": 0,
                    "equinixAsn": 0,
                    "bgpAuthKey": "string",
                    "bfd": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "interval": "100"
            "href": "",
            "type": "ROUTING_PROTOCOL_CREATION",
            "uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
            "data": {
                "op": "add",
                "path": "/",
                "value": {
                    "type": "BGP",
                    "name": "My-BGP-route-1",
                    "bgpIpv4": {
                        "customerPeerIp": "",
                        "equinixPeerIp": "",
                        "enabled": true,
                        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
                    "bgpIpv6": {
                        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
                        "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                        "enabled": true,
                        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
                    "customerAsn": 0,
                    "equinixAsn": 0,
                    "bgpAuthKey": "string",
                    "bfd": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "interval": "100"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
pagination object - Search results pagination settings.
data array[object] - Data array containing returned objects.
offset integer 0 Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer 20 Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer 99 Total number of items available.
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE Routing protocol change request type.
uuid string 3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170 Routing protocol change request identifier.
status string COMPLETED Routing protocol change request status.
createdDateTime string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z Routing protocol change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTime string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z Routing protocol change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
data object - Routing protocol change request information.
op string replace Change request operation.
path string / Parameter path.
value object - Parameter value.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::2 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).

Get Specified Routing Protocol Change Request

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes/{changeRequestUuid}
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes/{changeRequestUuid}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid, changeRequestUuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns the details of a specified routing protocol change request.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field Name Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections and then use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances to get the list of routing protocol definitions for a given connection.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
changeRequestUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Change Requests API request to retrieve the list of change request for a given routing protocol definition.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Sample response

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
    "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
    "data": {
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/",
        "value": {
            "type": "BGP",
            "name": "My-BGP-route-1",
            "bgpIpv4": {
                "customerPeerIp": "",
                "equinixPeerIp": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "bgpIpv6": {
                "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
                "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
                "enabled": true,
                "outboundASPrependCount": 1
            "customerAsn": 0,
            "equinixAsn": 0,
            "bgpAuthKey": "string",
            "bfd": {
                "enabled": true,
                "interval": "100"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
type string ROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATE Routing protocol change request type.
uuid string 4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9 Routing protocol change request identifier.
status string COMPLETED Routing protocol change request status.
createdDateTime string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z Routing protocol change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTime string 2020-05-21T10:30:00Z Routing protocol change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
data object - Routing protocol change request information.
op string replace Change request operation.
path string / Parameter path.
value object - Parameter value.
type string BGP Routing protocol type.
name string My-BGP-route-1 Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4 object - IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6 object - IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsn integer 65002 Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsn integer 65003 Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKey string a667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfd object - Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
customerPeerIp string Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIp string Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::2 Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIp string 2001:db8:c59b::1 Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabled boolean true Whether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCount integer 1 The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabled boolean true Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
interval string 100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).

Clear or Reset BGP

POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
Method POST
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolId
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type

Clears or resets the BGP session of a routing protocol

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "type": "CLEAR_BGPIPV4"

Path parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Applicable Values Description
connectionUuid yes string 557400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce4

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolId yes string 657400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce5 Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.

Body Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Example Values Description
type yes string CLEAR_BGPIPV4 Possible values:
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV4: soft clear bgp ipv4 session
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV6:soft clear bgp ipv6 session
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV4_INBOUND:soft clear bgp ipv4 session, inbound only
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV6_INBOUND: soft clear bgp ipv6 session, inbound only
  • RESET_BGPIPV4: hard clear bgp ipv4 session
  • RESET_BGPIPV6: hard clear bgp ipv6 session

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "123ed98a-92ba-9951-bb17-17d0234dd096",
    "type": "RESET_BGPIPV6",
    "description": "hard reset bgp ipv6 session",
    "state": "PENDING",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "adminuser",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdByFullName": "adminuser adminuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

Parameter Type Example values Description
href string URL of the asset.
uuid string 55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned action Id.
type string RESET_BGPIPV6 Type of reset.
description string hard reset bgp ipv6 session Description of the reset.
state string PENDING State of the reset.
changeLog object - A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string admin Created by.
createdByEmail string Created by email.
createdByFullName string testuser testuser Full name of creator.
createdDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBy string admin Updated by.
updatedByEmail string Updated by email.
updatedByFullName string testuser testuser Updated by full name.
updatedDateTime string 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get BGP Actions

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters connectionUuid, routingProtocolId
Query Parameters offset, limit
Body Parameters Not applicable

Returns BGP actions.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI' 

Query parameters
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolIdyesstring667400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce8Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"pagination": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 20,
    "total": 2
"data": [
    "href": "",
    "uuid": "835ed234-1dbb-5634-c320-25d0234dd117",
    "type": "CLEAR_BGPIPV6_INBOUND",
    "description": "soft clear bgp ipv6 inbound session",
    "state": "SUCCEEDED",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "updatedBy": "testuser",
        "updatedByEmail": "",
        "updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:35:00Z"
    "href": "",
    "uuid": "995ed98b-1db9-6653-c323-19d0234dd999",
    "type": "CLEAR_BGPIPV4_INBOUND",
    "description": "soft clear bgp ipv4 inbound session",
    "state": "FAILED",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:20:00Z",
        "updatedBy": "testuser",
        "updatedByEmail": "",
        "updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:25:00Z"

Response description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger0 Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger99Total number of items available.
hrefstring URL of the asset.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned action Id.
typestringRESET_BGPIPV6Type of reset.
descriptionstringhard reset bgp ipv6 sessionDescription of the reset.
statestringPENDINGState of the reset.
changeLogobject- A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBystringadminCreated by.
createdByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comCreated by email.
createdByFullNamestringtestuser testuserFull name of creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBystringadminUpdated by.
updatedByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comUpdated by email.
updatedByFullNamestringtestuser testuserUpdated by full name.
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get Specified BGP Action

GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions/{actionId}
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions/{actionId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolId, actionId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns BGP action for a specific Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI' 

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolIdyesstring667400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce8Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.
actionIdyesstring347400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce9Equinix-assigned action identifier.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

    "href": "",
    "uuid": "835ed234-1dbb-5634-c320-25d0234dd117",
    "type": "CLEAR_BGPIPV6_INBOUND",
    "description": "soft clear bgp ipv6 inbound session",
    "state": "SUCCEEDED",
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdByEmail": "",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "updatedBy": "testuser",
        "updatedByEmail": "",
        "updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:35:00Z"

Response description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring URL of the asset.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned action Id.
typestringRESET_BGPIPV6Type of reset.
descriptionstringhard reset bgp ipv6 sessionDescription of the reset.
statestringPENDINGState of the reset.
changeLogobject- A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBystringadminCreated by.
createdByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comCreated by email.
createdByFullNamestringtestuser testuserFull name of creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBystringadminUpdated by.
updatedByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comUpdated by email.
updatedByFullNamestringtestuser testuserUpdated by full name.
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Delete Routing Protocol Instance

DELETE /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI' 

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

    "type": "BGP",
    "name": "My-BGP-route-1",
    "bgpIpv4": {
        "customerPeerIp": "",
        "equinixPeerIp": "",
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "bgpIpv6": {
        "customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
        "outboundASPrependCount": 1
    "customerAsn": 65002,
    "equinixAsn": 65002,
    "bgpAuthKey": "a667d47acc18ea6b",
    "bfd": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": "100"
    "href": "string",
    "uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
    "state": "DEPROVISIONING",
    "change": {
        "uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
        "href": "",
    "changelog": {
        "createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
        "updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6b Border gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject- Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
hrefstring An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003 Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringDEPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changelogobject- A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
outboundASPrependCount integer1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabledbooleantrue Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100 Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring Link to the latest configuration.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:


Validate Subnet

POST /fabric/v4/routers/{routerId}/validate
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{routerId}/validate
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter

Validates all subnets associated with a connection in the given FCR.

For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST '{routerId}/validate'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
    "filter": {
    "and": [
        "property": "/directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp",
        "operator": "=",
        "values": [
        "property": "/connection/uuid",
        "operator": "=",
        "values": [

Body parameters

filter object
Object containing subnets to validate.
and array[object]
Array of objects that have subnets and connection identifiers.
property string
Either Ipv4 subnet or Ipv6 subnet is required.
Applicable values:
  • /directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp
  • /directIpv6/equinixIfaceIp
  • /connection/uuid
operator string
Parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
values array[string]
Subnet values or connection identifiers. Connection identifiers are not required. However, you must provide either an ipv4 or ipv6 subnet to validate.
"property": "/directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Ipv4 subnet value.
Example: [""]
"property": "/directIpv6/equinixIfaceIp",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Ipv6 subnet value.
Example: ["1202:ABCD::20:1::11/30"]
"property": "/connection/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Unique Id of connections.
Example: ["a96f16d3-e504-44a7-a628-4916b5750008"]

Sample response - validate subnet

    "additionalInfo": [
        "key": "message",
        "value": "The provided subnet is valid."

Response payload body description

additionalInfo array[object]
An array of key-value pair objects containing additional information.
key string
Key parameter.
Example: message
value string
Validation message.
Example: There is no overlapping or duplicate subnets in the same Fabric cloud router.