Fabric Networks

Fabric network enables creating port-based or a VLAN-based Layer 2 Ethernet multipoint to multipoint networks that connect your assets deployed across Equinix IBX data centers.

Create Fabric Network

POST /fabric/v4/networks
Method POST
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters Not applicable
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, scope, project, notifications

This API request creates a Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - regional network

curl -X POST 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
    "type": "IPVPN",
    "name": "My-Network-1",
    "scope": "REGIONAL",
    "location": {
        "region": "EMEA"
    "project": {
        "projectId": "1234567"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [

Body parameters

type string
Network type.
Applicable values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Applicable values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Applicable values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]

Sample response

    "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "type": "IPVPN",
    "uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
    "state": "INACTIVE",
    "change": {
        "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/changes/6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "type": "NETWORK_CREATION"
    "location": {
        "region": "EMEA"
    "scope": "REGIONAL",
    "connectionsCount": 0,
    "project": {
        "projectId": "123456"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [
    "operation": {
        "equinixStatus": "PROVISIONING"
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "createdByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Specified Fabric Network

GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Headers Authorization
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns details for the specified Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

    "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "type": "IPVPN",
    "uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
    "state": "ACTIVE",
    "location": {
        "region": "EMEA"
    "scope": "REGIONAL",
    "connectionsCount": 0,
    "project": {
        "projectId": "123456"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [
    "operation": {
        "equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "createdByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "updatedBy": "testuser",
        "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "updatedByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser"
    "links": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/connections",
            "rel": "getConnectionsByNetworkUuid",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "application/json",
            "authenticate": true

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
Example: ACTIVE
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
links object
HATEOAS links specifying possible follow-up interactions.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Update Fabric Network

PATCH /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Method PATCH
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters op, path, value

This API request updates a Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X PATCH 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '[
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/name",
        "value": "evenBetterName"

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Body parameters

op string
Update request type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
  • add
  • remove
path string
Parameter path.
Applicable values:
  • /name
value string
Parameter value.

Sample response

    "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "type": "IPVPN",
    "uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "name": "evenBetterName",
    "state": "ACTIVE",
    "change": {
        "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/changes/6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "type": "NETWORK_UPDATE"
    "location": {
        "region": "EMEA"
    "scope": "REGIONAL",
    "connectionsCount": 0,
    "project": {
        "projectId": "123456"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [
    "operation": {
        "equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "createdByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "updatedBy": "testuser",
        "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "updatedByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser"
    "links": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/connections",
            "rel": "getConnectionsByNetworkUuid",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "application/json",
            "authenticate": true

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: evenBetterName
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
Example: ACTIVE
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Username of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedBy string
Username of the user that modified the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
updatedByFullName string
First and last name of the user that modified the asset.
Example: Joe Average
updatedByEmail string
Email address of the user that modified the asset.
updatedDateTime string
Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
links object
HATEOAS links specifying possible follow-up interactions.

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Retrieve Fabric Networks

POST /fabric/v4/networks/search
Method POST
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/search
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Path Parameters Not applicable
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters type, name, scope, project, notifications

This API request returns Fabric network instances that match the specified criteria.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/search'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
    "filter": {
        "and": [
                "property": "/state",
                "operator": "=",
                "values": [
    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20
    "sort": [
            "direction": "DESC",
            "property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Body parameters

filter object
Object defining search conditions.
and array[object]
Array of up to eight search parameters.
property string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /state
  • /scope
  • /location/region
  • /project/projectId
  • /* - All categories search.
operator string
Search parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~* - Case insensitive like.
values string
Search field parameter value.
Example: ACTIVE
pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20
sort object
Search results sorting settings.
direction string
Search results sorting direction.
Applicable values:
  • ASC
  • DESC
property string
Search results sorting parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /scope
  • /location/region
  • /project/projectId
  • /changeLog/createdDateTime
  • /changeLog/updatedDateTime

Default value: /changeLog/updatedDateTime

Sample response

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 0,
        "total": 0,
        "next": "string",
        "previous": "string"
    "data": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
            "type": "IPVPN",
            "uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
            "name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
            "state": "INACTIVE",
            "change": {
                "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/changes/6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
                "uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
                "type": "NETWORK_CREATION"
            "location": {
                "region": "EMEA"
            "scope": "REGIONAL",
            "connectionsCount": 0,
            "project": {
                "projectId": "123456"
            "notifications": [
                    "type": "ALL",
                    "emails": [
            "operation": {
                "equinixStatus": "PROVISIONING"
            "changeLog": {
                "createdBy": "testuser",
                "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
                "createdByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
                "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser"
    "sort": [
            "property": "/changeLog/updatedDateTime",
            "direction": "DESC"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Delete Fabric Network

DELETE /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Headers Authorization
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request deletes a given Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X DELETE 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

    "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "type": "IPVPN",
    "uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
    "name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
    "state": "INACTIVE",
    "change": {
        "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784/changes/6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
        "type": "NETWORK_DELETION"
    "location": {
        "region": "EMEA"
    "scope": "REGIONAL",
    "connectionsCount": 0,
    "project": {
        "projectId": "123456"
    "notifications": [
            "type": "ALL",
            "emails": [
    "operation": {
        "equinixStatus": "DEPROVISIONING"
    "changeLog": {
        "createdBy": "testuser",
        "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "createdByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
        "deletedBy": "testuser1",
        "deletedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
        "deletedByEmail": "testuser@equinix.com",
        "deletedByFullName": "testuser testuser"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["mike@mspp.com","dwight@dm.com"]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
deletedBy string
Usernamen of the user that deleted the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
deletedByFullName string
First and last name of the user that deleted the asset.
Example: Joe Average
deletedByEmail string
Email address of the user that deleted the asset.
deletedDateTime string
Asset deletion timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Connections Associated With Specified Fabric Network

GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/connections
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/connections
Headers Authorization
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns connections associated with the specified Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf/connections'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20,
        "total": 2
    "data": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
            "type": "IP_VC",
            "uuid": "9b8c5042-b553-4d5e-a2ac-c73bf6d4fd81"
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1",
            "type": "IP_VC",
            "uuid": "38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Connection type.
Example: IP_VC
uuid string
Connection identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Fabric Network Changes

GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/changes
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/changes
Headers Authorization
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns change log for a specified Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf/changes'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20,
        "total": 2
    "data": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/2a4fb415-5a7f-436f-bae6-02f5e403deec/changes/4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "type": "NETWORK_CREATION",
            "uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z"
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/2a4fb415-5a7f-436f-bae6-02f5e403deec/changes/da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
            "type": "NETWORK_DELETION",
            "uuid": "da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
            "status": "REQUESTED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 2
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the details of the given change.
type string
Asset instance change request type.
uuid string
Asset change request identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1
status string
Asset change request status.
createdDateTime string
Change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Specified Fabric Network Change

GET /fabric/v4/networks/{networkUuid}/changes/{changeUuid}
Method GET
URL or Endpoint /fabric/v4/networks/{networkUuid}/changes/{changeUuid}
Headers Authorization
Path Parameters uuid
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Parameters Not applicable

This API request returns a specified changelog item for a given Fabric network instance.

To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf/changes/4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

networkUuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.
changeUuid string
Changelog item identifier.

Sample response

    "pagination": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20,
        "total": 2
    "data": [
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/2a4fb415-5a7f-436f-bae6-02f5e403deec/changes/4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "type": "NETWORK_CREATION",
            "uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z"
            "href": "https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/networks/2a4fb415-5a7f-436f-bae6-02f5e403deec/changes/da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
            "type": "NETWORK_DELETION",
            "uuid": "da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
            "status": "REQUESTED",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
            "updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the details of the given change.
type string
Asset instance change request type.
uuid string
Asset change request identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1
status string
Asset change request status.
createdDateTime string
Change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an "Access Denied" error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.