Network Notifications

Network Notifications are near real-time notifications for any planned and unplanned Equinix Product or Service Network maintenance. These notifications are also triggered for any Equinix Product or Service Network incidents.

EMG supports below Network Notifications variants

  1. Network Maintenance Notifications
  2. Network Incidents Notifications

Network Maintenance Notifications

Sample Network Maintenance Notifications

"Task": {
    "Id": "370da978-b9bd-4030-b012-9dc97e2fdf98",
    "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
    "Verb": "Update",
    "Resource": "Network.Maintenance",
    "ContentType": "application/json",
    "CreationTimeUTC": "2021-06-09T07:42:45.396Z",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Body": {
    "RequestorId": "97ae4427-70cb-4162-bf52-c3c7f9d7b2d8",
    "ServicerId": "5-204454471282",
    "State": "CONFIRMED",
    "Description": "Equinix Test Maintenance",
    "Sequence": "2",
    "StartDateTime": "2021-03-29T17:33:00",
    "EndDateTime": "2021-03-31T18:00:00",
    "AccountNumber": "123456",
    "ProdID": "Network Notification",
    "Organizer": "Global Service",
    "Assets": []
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="

Network Incidents Notifications

Sample Network Incidents Notifications

"Task": {
    "Id": "045074a9-5e6a-478e-b2af-e9462bfa7e62",
    "Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
    "Verb": "Update",
    "Resource": "Network.Incident",
    "ContentType": "application/json",
    "CreationTimeUTC": "2021-06-09T07:54:43.578Z",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Body": {
    "RequestorId": "97ae4427-70cb-4162-bf52-c3c7f9d7b2d8",
    "ServicerId": "5-204454471282",
    "State": "CONFIRMED",
    "Description": "Equinix Test Incident",
    "Sequence": "1",
    "StartDateTime": "2021-03-23T05:56:34",
    "EndDateTime": "",
    "AccountNumber": "123456",
    "ProdID": "Network Notification",
    "Organizer": "Global Service",
    "Assets": []
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="

The description of the network notification schema is as follows:

Name Type Applicable Value(s) Description
Task Object The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order.
ID String (Guid) The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message.
Source String (Guid) A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process.
Verb String Update This indicates there is an update from Equinix.
Resource String "Network.Maintenance", "Network.Incident"

Indicates the Type of Notification:

Network.Maintenance : notifies that an Equinix Product or Service is going under planned/unplanned Maintenance

Network.Incident : notifies about Incident occurred for an Equinix Product or Service.

ContentType String application/json
CreateTimeUTC String Indicates the date and time at which the notification is sent by Equinix.
Version String 1.0 The version of the notification schema.
Body Object An object containing the details of the notification. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb.
RequestorId String TBD Customer reference number for the maintenance (if any)
ServicerId String Indicates the unique id supplied by Equinix for the Network maintenance/incident.
State String

Current State of the ticket

Supported Values:

CONFIRMED - Network Maintenance/Incident is Confirmed

IN-PROCESS - Network Maintenance/Incident currently in progress

COMPLETED - Network Maintenance/Incident is Completed

CANCELLED - Network Maintenance/Incident has been Cancelled
Description Object Summary of the ticket from Equinix Technician.
Sequence Number Incrementing number for the related notifications
The number starts from 0
StartDateTime String Indicates the Start Date and Time of maintenance
EndDateTime String

Indicates the End Date and Time of maintenance.

This value will always be populated for Resource of Type "Network.Maintenance"

This value will only be populated for State as "COMPLETED" for Resource of Type "Network.Incident"
AccountNumber String Indicates the Customer's Account Number related to the maintenance activity.
Impact String

Indicates the level/severity of impact to the customer due to the maintenance activity or incident.

Supported Values:

SERVICE_IMPACTING - indicates the activity or incident that affects your services

NON_SERVICE_IMPACTING - indicates the activity or incident that does not disrupt your services, like when backup servers keep things running despite repairs.

ProdID String Network Notification Indicates the link to refer the more information on the maintenance activity.
Organizer String Global Service Indicates the name of maintenance organizer with Email Id
Assets Object

An object containing the details of the impacted customer assets with the below attributes

  • IBX
  • Cage
  • Cabinet
  • Serial Number
  • Circuit Type
This value will be populated for Resource of Types "Network.Maintenance" and "Network.Incident"
Signature String Base64 encoded signature signed with Equinix key