Orders: Managing Additional Info

You can display additional details or information related to a specific order or, more precisely, the type of product ordered.

Each order line object contains the 'additionalInfo' field (where applicable) with key-value pairs. Note that these pairs differ and depend on the use case.

Product Types

The product types refer to specific product orders.

For example, you may want to know details of work visits or cross connect product type orders. Use the GET Orders {orderId} to retrieve details of specific order and see order line details associated with a particular product type.

You can also Retrieve Order History and use the 'productType' filter to search for specific orders.

Cross Connect Orders

The cross connect orders provide additional information on:

  • Cross Connect - Installation Fee
  • Network Cable Connection

The following response payload shows extracted order line objects with additional information and associated product names for the cross connect product type.


    "details": [
            "lineId": "1-2NYT0OG5",
            "productType": "Cross Connect",
            "productName": "Cross Connect - Installation Fee",
            "additionalInfo": [
                "key": "FAST_PROVISIONED",
                "value": "N"
                "key": "MEDIA_CONVERTER_REQUIRED",
                "value": "N"

                "key": "PREWIRED_IFC",
                "value": "Y"

                "key": "PREWIRED",
                "value": "N"
            "lineId": "1-2NYT0OGK",
            "productType": "Cross Connect",
            "productName": "Network Cable Connection",
            "additionalInfo": [
                    "key": "CIRCUIT_ID",
                    "value": "-"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_CABINET_ID",
                    "value": "CH2:06:003225:0001"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_SPACE_ID",
                    "value": "CH2:06:003225"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_SYSTEM_NAME",
                    "value": "CH2:06:003225:Verizon Sourcing LLC_Target"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_CONNECTION_SERVICE",
                    "value": "COAX"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_MEDIA_TYPE",
                    "value": "COAX"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_PROTOCOL_TYPE",
                    "value": "ANTENNA"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_CONNECTOR_TYPE",
                    "value": "BNC"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_PATCH_PANEL_ID",
                    "value": "PP:0103:1177606"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_PORT_A",
                    "value": "42"
                    "key": "A_SIDE_PORT_B",
                    "value": "43"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_CUSTOMER",
                    "value": "Acme Corp."
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_IBX",
                    "value": "CH1"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_CAGE_ID",
                    "value": "CH1:05:000975"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_CABINET_ID",
                    "value": "CH1:05:000975:0101"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_SPACE_ID",
                    "value": "156"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_SYSTEM_NAME",
                    "value": "CH1:05:000975:Acme Corp."
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_CONNECTOR_TYPE",
                    "value": "BNC"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_PATCH_PANEL_ID",
                    "value": "PP:0000:1153155"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_PORT_A",
                    "value": "17"
                    "key": "Z_SIDE_PORT_B",
                    "value": "18"
                    "key": "PROCEED_IF_MEDIA_CONVERTER_REQUIRED",
                    "value": "N"
                    "key": "LIGHT_LINK_VERIFICATION",
                    "value": "N"
                    "key": "SERIAL_NUMBER",
                    "value": "21741952"

The description of the additional info in the response payload is as follows:

Product Type Additional Info Description
Key Value
Cross Connect Cross Connect - Installation Fee

The type of proviosion.

If 'Y', patch panel is fast provisioned. If 'N', otherwise.

Requirement for media converter.

If 'Y', media converter is required for this order. If 'N', otherwise.

Indicates if patch panel is prewired and needs intra-facility cable (IFC) connection.

If 'Y', patch panel is prewired and needs IFC. If 'N', otherwise.

Indicates if patch panel is prewired.

If 'Y', patch panel is prewired for this order. If 'N', otherwise.
Network Cable Connection
CIRCUIT_ID - Z-side circuit ID.
A_SIDE_CABINET_ID CH2:06:003225:0001

ID of cabinet where customer equipment for patching is located.

This must belong to the specific A-side cage used in this cross connect.
A_SIDE_SPACE_ID CH2:06:003225

A-side space ID.

Unique space ID is used to different shared scenario. i.e cageID can be the same for shared but unique space will be different.
A_SIDE_SYSTEM_NAME CH2:06:003225:Verizon Sourcing LLC_Target

A-side system name.

This is unique space ID appended with account name
A_SIDE_CONNECTION_SERVICE COAX A-side connection service.
A_SIDE_MEDIA_TYPE COAX A-side media type.
A_SIDE_PROTOCOL_TYPE ANTENNA A-side protocol type.
A_SIDE_CONNECTOR_TYPE BNC A-side connector type.
A_SIDE_PATCH_PANEL_ID PP:0103:1177606 A-side patch panel ID.
A_SIDE_PORT_A 42 A-side port A.
A_SIDE_PORT_B 43 A-side port B.
Z_SIDE_CUSTOMER Acme Corp. Z-side customer.
Z_SIDE_CAGE_ID CH1:05:000975 Z-side cage ID.
Z_SIDE_CABINET_ID CH1:05:000975:0101 Z-side cabinet ID.
Z_SIDE_SPACE_ID 156 Z-side unique space ID.
Z_SIDE_SYSTEM_NAME CH1:05:000975:Acme Corp. Z-side system name.
Z_SIDE_CONNECTOR_TYPE BNC Z-side connector type.
Z_SIDE_PATCH_PANEL_ID PP:0000:1153155 Z-side patch panel ID.
Z_SIDE_PORT_A 17 Z-side port A.
Z_SIDE_PORT_B 18 Z-side port B.
CIRCUIT_DELIVERY_DATE 2020-10-09T10:00:22.395Z

Carrier Circuit Delivery date.

Date when the Carrier commits to enable the circuit.

Requirement for media converter.

Allow Equinix to continue with order if media converter is required. If yes, Equinix proceed with it.

Requirement for a cross connect Light Link verification.

If 'Y', Light Link verification is required. If 'N', otherwise.

The serial number.

This field is used to show serial # including both A and Z side. It will be shown under a different line item.

Work Visit Orders

The work visit orders provide additional information on scheduled work visits and details of registered and non-registered visitors where applicable. You can also see details of open cabinet status.

The following response payload shows extracted order line objects with additional information and associated product names for the work visit product type.

    "details": [
            "lineId": "1-2M5Q7MKA",
            "productType": "Work Visit",
            "productName": "Customer Work Visits",
            "additionalInfo": [
                    "key": "VISIT_START_DATETIME",
                    "value": "2021-12-29T03:23:16"
                    "key": "VISIT_END_DATETIME",
                    "value": "2021-12-30T03:17:16"
                    "key": "OPEN_CABINET",
                    "value": "Y"
            "lineId": "1-2M5Q7ML6",
            "productType": "Work Visit",
            "productName": "Contact",
            "additionalInfo": [
                    "key": "VISITOR_FIRST_NAME",
                    "value": "Mary"
                    "key": "VISITOR_LAST_NAME",
                    "value": "Jane"
                    "key": "VISITOR_COMPANY_NAME",
                    "value": "Acme Corp."
                    "key": "VISITOR_EMAIL",
                    "value": "maryjane@acme.com"
                    "key": "VISIT_TYPE",
                    "value": "ATTENDED"

The description of the additional info in the response payload is as follows:

Product Type Additional Info Description
Key Value
Work Visit Work visit period Date and time
The desired time and date range for your visit
Date and time (UTC time zone) in the following ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ
Note that time is in the local IBX time zone - the suffix of Z is not required.
VISIT_START_DATETIME 2021-12-29T03:23:16 The requested start date and time of the work visit.
VISIT_END_DATETIME 2021-12-30T03:17:16 The requested end date and time of the work visit.

Indicates if assistance from Equinix to open your secure cabinet during your visit is required.

If 'Y', the secured cabinet is open for this order. If 'N', otherwise.
Visitor details Registered and non-registered users
Orders for a scheduled work visit, including registered and non-registered visitors. If you are placing work visit orders, the product name displays as:
  • "Contact" – for registered users
  • "Visitor" – for non-registered user
VISITOR_FIRST_NAME Mary The first name of the visitor.
VISITOR_LAST_NAME Jane The last name of the visitor.
VISITOR_COMPANY_NAME Acme Corp. The visitor's company name.
VISITOR_EMAIL maryjane@acme.com The email address of the visitor.

The type of visit.

Visit Type - Description
ATTENDED – user attended the IBX
NOT_ATTENDED – user did not attended the IBX
NO_LONGER_VISITING – user does not need to visit the IBX anymore.
ATTENDED_AND_NO_LONGER_VISITING – user attended the first few work visit sessions and no longer visited for the remaining sessions.

Smart Hands Orders

The smart hands orders provide additional information on provisioned product details where applicable.

The following response payload shows extracted order line objects with additional information and associated product names for the smart hands product type.

    "details": [
        "lineId": "1-2MQFYAGJ",
        "productType": "Smart Hands",
        "productName": "Smart Hands - Normal Working Hours ( Run Jumper/Patch Cable )",
        "additionalInfo": [
                "key": "SKIP_CHARGES",
                "value": "Y"
                "key": "SKIP_SKU_CHARGES",
                "value": "Y"

The description of the additional info in the response payload is as follows:

Product Type Additional Info Description
Key Value
Smart Hands Charges

Indicates if service charges apply.

If 'Y', no service charge for this order. If 'N', otherwise.

Indicates if product charges apply.

If 'Y', no product charge for this order. If 'N', otherwise.