Billing: Order Source

The table below shows ENUM values for specific order source types: channel and subChannel.

See response payload for GET Invoices Details.

Order Source Value Description
channel API Orders placed via API
MOBILE Orders placed via Equinix mobile application
OFFLINE Refers to orders placed offline
PORTAL Orders placed via Equinix Online Portal
OTHER Used to classify source that is not any of the above
subChannel CSC Offline orders (related to customer support and care services)
placed on behalf of customers via Equinix Customer Portal and
managed by the Global Service Desk
ECP Equinix Customer Portal
ECX Equinix Cloud Exchange (also known as Equinix Fabric)
EMG Equinix Messaging Gateway
IX Internet Exchange
NE Network Edge
QUOTE Order placed with sales order or quote
NRC_CHARGE_UPLOAD It represents an overage charge.
The overage charge is a non-recurring charge (NRC) or a one-time charge when the contracted service exceeds the agreed limit.