Billing Invoice: API vs. Excel

The following table shows the relationship between the billing API fields(*) and the corresponding names on the Excel billing invoice.

(*) response of data payload for GET Invoices Details.

N/A - the header does not apply to the Excel invoice.

API field name Excel invoice (column header) Relationship
transactionId Transaction # One-to-one.
businessLegalEntity Equinix Legal Entity One-to-one.
transactionType Transaction Type One-to-one.
transactionDate Transaction Date One-to-one.
orderId Sales Order # One-to-one.
lineNumber LN # One-to-one.
subLineNumber Subline # One-to-one.
customerDetails N/A None.
The API object consists of the following fields where applicable:
  • accountName
  • accountNumber
  • legalEntity
  • region
  • countryCode
accountName Customer Bill to Name One-to-one.
The API field of the customerDetails object.
accountNumber Customer Account # One-to-one.
The API field of the customerDetails object.
legalEntity Customer Legal Entity One-to-one.
The API field of the customerDetails object.
region Region One-to-one.
The API field of the customerDetails object.
countryCode Country One-to-one.
The API field of the customerDetails object.
purchaseOrderNumber Purchase Order # One-to-one.
billingAgreementId Billing Agreement # One-to-one.
customerReferenceId Customer Reference # One-to-one.
priorAdjustmentReference Adjustment for Prior Invoice # One-to-one.
ibxs IBX Center One-to-one.
recurringStartDate Recurring From Date One-to-one.
recurringEndDate Recurring To Date One-to-one.
contacts N/A None.
Array of objects. Each object consists of the following fields where applicable:
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • type
firstName Booked By One-to-many.
The API field of the contacts object.
Billing Analyst
lastName Booked By One-to-many.
The API field of the contacts object.
Billing Analyst
type N/A None.
The API field of the contacts object.
Depending on the enum type: BOOKED_BY or BILLING_ANALYST, the proper first name and last name are displayed in the Booked By and Billing Analyst column headers.
orderBookedDate Order Booked Date One-to-one.
activityType Activity Type One-to-one.
productCategory Product Category One-to-one.
productDescription Product Description One-to-one.
productCode Product Code One-to-one.
productName Product Name One-to-one.
detailedDescription Location of item with Serial Number One-to-one.
ibxDescription IBX Location One-to-one.
quantity Qty One-to-one.
unitOfMeasure Units One-to-one.
unitPrice Unit Price One-to-one.
frequency Invoice Frequency One-to-one.
currencyCode Invoice Currency One-to-one.
localCurrencyCode Local Currency One-to-one.
exchangeRate Fx Rate One-to-one.
nonRecurringAmount Non Recurring Amount One-to-one.
recurringAmount Recurring Amount One-to-one.
adjustment Adjustments One-to-one.
taxAmount Tax One-to-one.
totalAmount Total Amount One-to-one.
legacyOrderId Legacy Order # One-to-one.
additionalInfo N/A None.
Array of the objects (key-value pairs.)
key PUE
PDU / Distribution Panel #
Start Reading
End Reading
Sub Account Number
Sub Account Name
Z Side Customer Name
Serial #
First Price Increase Applicable After
Price Increase Percentage
value N/A Value related to the key in the key-value pair.
termsOfUse N/A None.
Array of the objects (value-type-period pairs.)
value N/A Value related to the period in the period-value pair.
Number represents months.
type Initial Term
Renewal Term
The enum types: INITIAL_TERM and RENEWAL_TERM.
period N/A None.
The enum type: MONTHS.