Tickets (V2 Beta)

Tickets (V2) API is an enhanced version of the Troubleticket (V1) API. Besides creating a trouble ticket, you can also do the following: retrieve your ticket details, update the notification contacts for your ticket, add notes to your ticket, and cancel your ticket.

To create a trouble ticket, see Submit Trouble Ticket (V2) under the Getting Started section. All other methods can be found below.

GET Tickets {id}

GET /tickets/{id}
Method GET
URL or End Point /v2/tickets/{id}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body Not applicable

This method retrieves the details of a specific ticket for an authenticated user. To view this ticket, the authenticated user must have permissions to view all users' requests, or they must be the ordering or technical contact for this ticket. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.

If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response for this API.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Description
id Yes string 1-188243137021

Ticket identifier (ID).

Ticket ID was returned in the response header 'Location' after the ticket was created. For example, 'tickets/1-188243137021' would have been returned as the URL of the newly created ticket. The ticket ID is also the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you are not sure of your ticket ID, see How to retrieve order history? in the Getting Started.

    "category": "Power",
    "subCategory": "We are having a total power outage",
    "description": "The power seems to be unstable since Smart Hands cable installation from 2 days ago. Please check.",
    "primaryId": "AM1:01:000111",
    "occuredDateTime": "2020-08-01T03:00:24.311Z",
    "id": "1-188243137021",
    "secondaryId": "AM1:01:000111:0101",
    "customerReferenceId": "EQX-TT-20200801",
    "resolutionDateTime": "2020-08-01T07:16:35.890Z",
    "attachments": [
            "id": "fcb2k8763-2947-456e-8d68-f28753d60ba",
            "name": "AdditionalDetailsAttachment.docx"
    "resolutions": [
            "id": "5-123456789005",
            "type": "Trouble",
            "status": "Resolved - Equinix Caused",
            "description": "The issue was caused by incident investigated in 5-123458439905. Currently the issue is resolved, your connections are up and no further issues are expected."
    "status": "CLOSED",
    "contacts": [
            "registeredUser": "jimsnow1",
            "name": "James Snow",
            "type": "ORDERING",
            "details": [
                    "type": "PHONE",
                    "value": "+1-456-789-1234"
                    "type": "MOBILE",
                    "value": "+1-456-987-4321"
                    "type": "EMAIL",
                    "value": ""
            "registeredUser": "janesmith123",
            "name": "Jane Smith",
            "type": "NOTIFICATION",
            "details": [
                "type": "PHONE",
                "value": "+1-123-456-7890"
                "type": "MOBILE",
                "value": "+1-123-654-0987"
                "type": "EMAIL",
                "value": ""
            "name": "John Doe",
            "type": "TECHNICAL",
            "details": [
                    "type": "PHONE",
                    "value": "+1-987-654-3210"
                    "type": "MOBILE",
                    "value": "+1-987-123-4567"
                    "type": "EMAIL",
                    "value": ""
    "notes": [
            "id": "1-2ABCD3EF",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-08-01T07:16:01.890Z",
            "text": "The issue was caused by incident 5-123458439905. Currently the issue is resolved, your connections are up and no further issues are expected.",
            "referenceId": "5-123456789005",
            "author": "EQIX_SUPPORT",
            "type": "TECHNICIAN_NOTES"
            "id": "1-2GHIJKL6",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-08-01T07:01:54Z",
            "text": "Take the light level reading. Attachment as requested.",
            "referenceId": "5-123456789005",
            "author": "jimsnow1",
            "type": "CUSTOMER_QUERY",
            "attachments": [
                "id": "abc2k1234-5678-910e-8d68-a123453a60ab",
                "name": "UpdateAttachment.docx"
            "id": "1-2MNOPQRST",
            "createdDateTime": "2020-08-01T03:15:54Z",
            "text": "Attempted to call the contact twice and got no answer. Please advise where the requested device is located. What cage, cabinet or rack, RU location ETC... x 15 minutes so far",
            "referenceId": "5-123456789005",
            "author": "EQIX_SUPPORT",
            "type": "TECHINCIAN_QUERY"
    "details": {
        "callFromCage": "true",
        "availability": "WORK_HOURS",
        "timezone": "America/Detroit"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field name Type Example Description
category string Power Problem category of your issue.

To see all available problem categories and subcategories, see Trouble Ticket Codes in the Appendix.

subCategory string We are having a total power outage Problem subcategory that represents your issue.
description string The power seems to be unstable since Smart Hands cable installation from 2 days ago. Please check. Description of the issue faced.
primaryId string AM1:01:000111

Primary reference ID of the affected asset.

For example, AM1:01:000111 is the cage ID.
occuredDateTime string 2020-08-01T03:00:24.311Z Date and time (UTC timezone) the issue was reported to have occurred in the following ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ
id string 1-188243137021 Ticket ID.
secondaryId string AM1:01:000111:0101

Secondary reference ID of the affected asset.

For example, AM1:01:000111:0101 is the cabinet ID.
customerReferenceId string EQX-TT-20200801 Customer's own reference ID. This information can be searched for in Order History and will appear within Reports.
resolutionDateTime string 2020-08-01T07:16:35.890Z

Date and time (UTC timezone) the trouble was resolved, in the following ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.

This appears when a ticket is completed.
attachments array [objects] Attachments array comprising object(s) with attachment details. Each attachment object contains the following parameters: id, name.
id string fcb2k8763-2947-456e-8d68-f28753d60ba Attachment ID.
name string AdditionalDetailsAttachment.docx Name of the attachment.
resolutions array [objects] Resolutions array comprising related resolutions activities and details. Each resolution object contains the following parameters where applicable: id, type, status, description, price, hours.
id string 5-123456789005

ID of the resolutions activity assigned to this ticket.

Any Equinix technician query or note carried out based on this resolution activity will carry this ID as its 'referenceId'.

See description of field name 'referenceId' in the notes array for more information.

type string Trouble Type of resolution activity.
status string Resolved - Equinix Caused Status of the resolution.
description string The issue was caused by incident investigated in 5-123458439905. Currently the issue is resolved, your connections are up and no further issues are expected.

Description of the resolution.

This only appears once trouble is resolved.
price string

Cost required to resolve this issue.

This field will only appear if applicable to your issue.
hours string

Number of hours taken to resolve this issue.

This field will only appear if applicable to your issue.
status string CLOSED

Status of the ticket.

Status - Description
OPEN - Ticket is entered, booked, or submitted in the system.
IN_PROGRESS - Resolution is in progress, or ticket is in-between status change.
CLOSED - Ticket is resolved and closed.
CANCELLED - Ticket is cancelled.
ON_HOLD - Ticket is on hold. Further action may be required from Equinix or customer before trouble can be resolved.
contacts array [objects] Contacts array comprises objects representing the ordering, notification and technical contacts. Each object contains the following parameters where applicable: registeredUser, name, type, details. Equinix communicates with these contacts based on the listed contact information.
registeredUser string jimsnow1 Equinix Customer Portal username of the registered contact. This is only applicable for contacts who are registered users of the Equinix Customer Portal.
name string James Snow Full name of the contact.
type string ORDERING

Type of contact.

Type - Description
ORDERING - Ordering contact is the user who submitted this ticket.
NOTIFICATION - Notification contact is the person who will be notified status updates for this ticket.
TECHNICAL - Technical contact is the contact who Equinix can reach out to for technical clarifications
details array [objects] Details array comprises objects representing contact details. Each object contains the following parameters: type, value.
type string PHONE

Defines the contact detail type.

Type - Description
EMAIL - Email address.
MOBILE - Mobile phone number (secondary contact number).
PHONE - Phone number (primary contact number).
value string +1-456-789-1234

Value of the contact detail type.

For example, +1-456-789-1234 represents the primary phone number of the contact.
notes array [objects] Notes array comprises objects that represents all notes and queries from Equinix and the customer for this ticket. Each object contains the following parameters where applicable: id, createdDateTime, text, referenceId, author, type, attachments.
id string 1-2ABCD3EF ID of the specific note.
createdDateTime string 2020-08-01T07:16:01.890Z Date and time the note was created.
text string The issue was caused by incident 5-123458439905.
Currently the issue is resolved, your connections are up and no further issues are expected.
Text in the note.
referenceId string 5-123456789005

Reference ID related to this note.

If this is a customer query, this value would be the specific Equinix query it is replying.

If this is an Equinix query, this value would be the related resolutions ID.
author string EQIX_SUPPORT

Author of the note.

For example, EQIX_SUPPORT represents the Equinix technician who authored the note.

Type of note.

Type - Description
CUSTOMER_QUERY - Customer reply to Equinix technician query.
CUSTOMER_NOTES - Notes provided by the customer in text or attachment form.
TECHNICIAN_QUERY - Query from the Equinix technician to the customer. Customer query should be sent to response to this Technician query.
TECHNICIAN_NOTES - Notes from the Technician to inform the customer of any updates or developments to this ticket.
attachments array [objects] Attachments array comprising object(s) with attachment details. Each attachment object contain the following parameters: id, name.
id string abc2k1234-5678-910e-8d68-a123453a60ab Attachment ID.
name string UpdateAttachment.docx Name of attachment.
details object Additional details or requirements from the customer that were included in the ticket request. This details object contains the following parameters where applicable: callFromCage, availability, timezone, submarineEngineerRequired.
callFromCage boolean true

Request for the IBX technician to call the technical contact from the cage.

If 'true', the Technical contact person will be called.

If 'false', this field does not appear.
availability string WORK_HOURS

Technical contact's availability to be contacted.

Availability - Description
ANYTIME - Technical contact is available 24/7.
WORK_HOURS - Technical contact is only available during their business hours in their defined timezone.
timezone string America/Detroit Timezone of the Technical contact's work hours.
submarineEngineerRequired boolean

Request for submarine cable station engineering support. This is only applicable when passed in the request for submarine cable IBXs.

If 'true', submarine cable station engineering support is required.

If 'false', this field does not appear.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.

PATCH Tickets {id}

PATCH /tickets/{id}
Method PATCH
URL or End Point /v2/tickets/{id}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Query Parameters Not applicable
Body {contacts [{registeredUsers [...], type}]}

This method partially updates a specific ticket that is not cancelled or completed. To update this ticket, the authenticated user must have permissions to view all users' requests, or they must be the ordering or technical contact for this ticket. Currently, the user can only update the notification contacts of the ticket. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.

If you would like to update any additional information on the ticket besides the notification contacts, you may add notes to the ticket with POST Tickets {id} Notes.

If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshot shows a sample curl request to update the notification contacts of the ticket.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
    "contacts": [
        "registeredUsers": [
        "type": "NOTIFICATION"

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Description
id Yes string 1-188243137021

Ticket identifier (ID).

Ticket ID was returned in the response header 'Location' after the ticket was created. For example, 'tickets/1-188243137021' would have been returned as the URL of the newly created ticket. The ticket ID is also the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you are not sure of your ticket ID, see How to retrieve order history? under the Getting Started.

The description of the body parameters is as follows:
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
contactsYesarray [object]

Contacts array consists of the notification contact object. The contacts object contains the following parameters: registeredUsers, type.

Limit: 1 object

This notification contacts object will serve as the latest list of registered users to receive notifications for this ticket. All registered users included in this object will completely replace the existing list of users. If you would like to add more users to the existing list, ensure that the existing list of registered usernames are not left out in this object.

registeredUsersYesarray [strings],
List of Equinix Customer Portal usernames of the registered contacts. Each string in the array represents one contact's username.

Equinix Customer Portal user's status must be approved, active, or locked. If the user's status is not any of these, the request will fail. Contact your Master Administrator for more information on your user's status.

Limit for notification contacts: 1 to 10 strings.


Defines the registered contact type.

Type - Description
NOTIFICATION - Notification contact
Trouble ticket update is successful when an HTTP code of 202 or 204 is returned, and the following response header is returned. There is no response body.
HTTP Response Header NameDescription

URL of the ticket.

Example: /tickets/{id}

'id' is the ticket identifier (ID). This is important to retrieve, update, add notes to, or cancel this ticket. The ticket ID is also known as the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.

POST Tickets {id} Cancel

POST /tickets/{id}/cancel
URL or End Point/v2/tickets/{id}/cancel
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body{reason, attachments [{id, name}]}

This method cancels a specific ticket. To cancel a ticket, the authenticated user must have permissions to view all users' requests, or they must be the ordering or technical contact for this ticket. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.

If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show sample curl requests for different scenarios.

Cancelling ticket without attachment

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
    "reason": "Duplicate ticket was raised, and issue was already resolved. Refer to ticket id 1-188243137021.",

Cancelling ticket with attachment

Before creating a request with attachment, call the POST Attachments File under the API Reference section.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
    "reason": "Duplicate ticket was raised, and issue was already resolved. Refer to ticket id 1-188243137021.",
    "attachments": [
        "id": "abc2k1234-5678-910e-8d68-a123453a60ab",
        "name": "CancellationAttachment.docx"

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription

Ticket identifier (ID).

Ticket ID was returned in the response header 'Location' after the ticket was created. For example, 'tickets/1-188243137021' would have been returned as the URL of the newly created ticket. The ticket ID is also the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you are not sure of your ticket ID, see How to retrieve order history? under the Getting Started.

The description of the body parameters is as follows:
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
reasonYesstring Duplicate ticket was raised, and issue was already resolved. Refer to ticket id 1-188243137021

Reason for cancellation.

Limit: 5 to 4000 characters.
attachmentsNoarray [objects]

An array containing object(s) of the attachment details for documents you want to attach. Each attachment object must contain the following parameters: id, name.

Up to 5 attachments, each not exceeding 5MB, can be provided in the following formats: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif, tiff, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pps, ppsx, pdf, and vsd.

Refer to POST Attachments File under the API Reference section for more information.


Attachment ID. This is mandatory when an attachment is included.

You will obtain this value after attaching your file using the POST Attachments File API.

Name of the attachment. This is mandatory when an attachment is included. This is free text input.

You will obtain this value after attaching your file using the POST Attachments File API, but you can change the name for your own reference when including this attachment in any order request.

Limit: 5 to 100 characters.
Ticket cancellation is successfully accepted for processing when an HTTP code of 202 or 204 is returned, and the following response header is returned. There is no response body.
HTTP Response Header NameDescription

URL of the ticket.

Example: /tickets/{id}

'id' is the ticket identifier (ID). This is important to retrieve, update, add notes to, or cancel this ticket. The ticket ID is also known as the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you need to see the update reflected urgently or in the event of latency, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.

POST Tickets {id} Notes

POST /tickets/{id}/notes
URL or End Point/v2/tickets/{id}/notes
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersNot applicable
BodyreferenceId, text, attachments [{id, name}]

This method can be used to add notes to a specific ticket. An authenticated user can add notes either by providing additional information or by replying an Equinix technician's queries in the form of text or attachments. To provide additional information, the authenticated user must have permissions to view all users' requests, or they must be the ordering or technical contact for this ticket. To reply to an Equinix technician's queries, the authenticated user must be the ordering or technical contact for this ticket. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.

The updated information and replies can be seen in the GET Tickets {id} response body as Customer Note and Customer Query, respectively. See GET Tickets {id} in the API Reference section for more information.

If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show sample curl requests for different scenarios.

Customer Note with text and attachment

Before creating a request with attachment, call the POST Attachments File under the API Reference section.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
    "text": "Take the light level reading.",
    "attachments": [
        "id": "abc2k1234-5678-910e-8d68-a123453a60ab",
        "name": "UpdateAttachment.docx"

Customer Query with text and attachment

Before creating a request with attachment, call the POST Attachments File under the API Reference section.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
    "referenceId": "5-123456789005",
    "text": "Take the light level reading. Attachment as requested.",
    "attachments": [
        "id": "abc2k1234-5678-910e-8d68-a123453a60ab",
        "name": "UpdateAttachment.docx"

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription

Ticket identifier (ID).

Ticket ID was returned in the response header 'Location' after the ticket was created. For example, 'tickets/1-188243137021' would have been returned as the URL of the newly created ticket. The ticket ID is also the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you are not sure of your ticket ID, see How to retrieve order history? under the Getting Started.

The description of the body parameters is as follows:
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription

Reference ID of the technician's query. This is mandatory when replying to a technician's query.

Only the ordering or technical contact may reply to a technician's query.

For example, 5-1234567890 is the reference id of the technician's query returned in GET Tickets {id} response for the ticket id, 1-188243137021. To reply this technician's query, this reference id must be passed.

Limit: 1 to 50 characters.
textYesstringTake the light level reading.

Text of the note or query. This is free text input. If your text exceeds this field, you may include it as an attachment.

Limit: 5 to 4000 characters.
attachmentsNoarray [object]

Attachments array comprising object(s) with attachment details. Each attachment object contains the following parameters: id, name.

Up to 5 attachments, each not exceeding 5MB, can be provided in the following formats: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif, tiff, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pps, ppsx, pdf, and vsd.

See POST Attachments File in the API Reference section for more information.


Attachment ID. This is mandatory when an attachment is included.

You will obtain this value after attaching your file using the POST Attachments File API.

Name of the attachment. This is mandatory when an attachment is included. This is free text input.

You will obtain this value after attaching your file using the POST Attachments File API, but you can change the name for your own reference when including this attachment in any order request.

Limit: 5 to 100 characters.
Ticket notes is successfully added when an HTTP code of 201 or 202 is returned, and the following response header is returned. There is no response body.
HTTP Response Header NameDescription

URL of the ticket.

Example: /tickets/{id}

'id' is the ticket identifier (ID). This is important to retrieve, update, add notes to, or cancel this ticket. The ticket ID is also known as the trouble ticket order number in the Equinix Customer Portal.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.