Quotes (V2)

Quotes (V2) APIs allow an authenticated user with the required permissions to retrieve quote details.

GET Quotes {quoteId}

GET /quotes/{quoteId}
Method GET
URL or End Point /v2/quotes/{quoteId}
Headers Authorization, Content-Type
Query Parameters ibxs
Body Not applicable

This method retrieves the details of a specific quote by its ID. To view this quote, the authenticated user from your organization must have permissions to Equinix Customer Portal requests or to view other users' requests. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.

If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response for this API.

curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v2/quotes/1-12345137021?ibxs=DA4"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the URL parameter is as follows:

URL Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Description
quoteId Yes string 1-12345137021 Quote identifier (quote ID).

The description of the query parameter is as follows:

Query Parameter Name Mandatory Type Example Description
ibxs No string DA4

Filter search by the IBX location codes of the associated IBX data centers.

Currently, only 1 IBX location code is supported per query.

If an IBX is not specified, all IBXs associated with the quote will be returned.
    "quoteId": "1-12345137021",
    "accountName": "ACME CORP",
    "accountNumber": "123456",
    "contacts": [
        "registeredUser": "johndoe1",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "type": "QUOTATION",
        "details": [
                "type": "PHONE",
                "value": "+1-4601231122"
                "type": "EMAIL",
                "value": "johndoe@acmecorp.com"
                "type": "MOBILE",
                "value": "+1-9875432100"
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "createdDateTime": "2020-11-16T20:56:54Z",
    "updatedDateTime": "2020-11-16T21:48:14Z",
    "expirationDateTime": "2021-02-14T00:00:00Z",
    "channel": " OFFLINE",
    "subChannel": "QUOTE",
    "customerReferenceId": "EQX_PWR_2020-10/1234",
    "agreementNumber": "00078910.1",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "termsOfUse": [
            "value": 36,
            "period": "MONTHS",
            "type": "INITIAL_TERM"
            "value": 12,
            "period": "MONTHS",
            "type": "RENEWAL_TERM"
            "value": 90,
            "period": "DAYS",
            "type": "NON_RENEWAL_NOTICE"
    "totalPricing": [
            "value": 0.0,
            "type": "MONTHLY_CHARGE",
            "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
            "value": 500.0,
            "type": "ONE_TIME_CHARGE",
            "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
            "value": 0.0,
            "type": "MONTHLY_DISCOUNT",
            "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
            "value": 0.0,
            "type": "ONE_TIME_DISCOUNT",
            "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
    "versionNumber": "1",
    "details": [
            "lineId": "1-2J3PJADP",
            "parentlineId": "1-2J3PJA23",
            "rootlineId": "1-2J3PJA4E",
            "ibx": "DA4",
            "cage": "DA4:001:002:003",
            "productDescription": "AC Circuit - Installation Fee",
            "productType": "OTHER",
            "productCode": "POW00003.NR",
            "productName": "AC Circuit - Installation Fee",
            "assetizable": false,
            "lineItemModified": true,
            "quantity": 1,
            "unitOfMeasure": "EACH",
            "unitPricing": [
                "value": 0.0,
                "valueType": "ABSOLUTE",
                "type": "ONE_TIME_CHARGE"
        "totalPricing": [
                "value": 500.0,
                "type": "NET_ONE_TIME_CHARGE",
                "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
                "value": 0.0,
                "type": "MONTHLY_CHARGE",
                "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
                "value": 500.0,
                "type": "ONE_TIME_CHARGE",
                "valueType": "ABSOLUTE"
        "requestType": " UPDATE",
        "additionalInfo": []
    "quoteRequestType": "NEW"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field name Type Example Description
quoteId string 1-12345137021 Quote ID.
accountName string ACME CORP Your account name associated with the quote.
accountNumber string 123456 Your account number associated with the quote.
contacts array [objects] Contacts array comprises objects representing the contacts for this quote. Each object contains the following parameters where applicable: registeredUser, firstName, lastName, type, details.
registeredUser string johndoe1 Equinix Customer Portal username of the registered contact. This is only applicable for contacts who are registered users of the Equinix Customer Portal.
firstName string John First name of contact person.
lastName string Doe Last name of contact person.
type string QUOTATION

Type of communication contact.

Type – Description
QUOTATION – Contact person who this quotation was prepared for.
SUPPLIER – Contact person who supplied this quotation.
details array [objects] List of contact details for this person. Each contact detail object consists of the following fields: type, value.
type string PHONE

Type of contact detail in the type-value pair.

Type - Description
PHONE - Primary phone number.
EMAIL - Email address.
MOBILE - Mobile phone number. This is the secondary contact number.
value string +1-4601231122

Value related to the contact detail in the type-value pair.

status string APPROVED

Current quote status.

Status - Description
APPROVED – Quote was accepted and approved by the customer and sent to Equinix for order fulfillment.
createdDateTime string 2020-11-16T20:56:54Z

Date and time (UTC timezone) the quote was created.

ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.
updatedDateTime string 2020-11-16T21:48:14Z

Latest date and time (UTC timezone) the quote was updated.

ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.
expirationDateTime string 2021-02-14T00:00:00Z

Date and time (UTC timezone) quote expires. Once expirationDateTime has passed, quote is expired and invalid.

ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.
channel string OFFLINE

Quote channel. This is the general channel through which the quote was requested.

Channel- Description
PORTAL - Quote was submitted through an Equinix Portal Web based application.
OFFLINE - Quote was submitted to Global Service Desk or to your Customer Success Manager.
subChannel string QUOTE

Quote sub-channel. This is the specific channel through which the quote was requested, if applicable.

Sub-channel - Description
QUOTE – Specific sub-channel for quotations.
customerReferenceId string EQX_PWR_2020-10/1234 Customer's reference ID for this quote.
agreementNumber string 00078910.1 Associated agreement number for this quote.
currencyCode string USD

Billing currency.

Format: ISO 4217 Currency Code

For a full list of currency codes, see Currency Codes in the Appendix.
termsOfUse array [objects] List of terms for this quote. Each object comprises the following fields: value, valueType, type.
value integer 36 Numerical value of the time period.
period string MONTHS

Time period of this quotation term.

Period – Description
MONTHS – Validity period in terms of months.
DAYS – Validity period in terms of days.
type string INITIAL_TERM

Type of quotation terms.

Type – Description
INITIAL_TERM – Initial quotation term.
RENEWAL_TERM – Quotation terms renewal notice.
NON_RENEWAL_NOTICE – Quotation term non-renewal notice.
totalPricing array [objects] List of total pricing details. Each object comprises the following fields: value, valueType, type.
value number 500.0

Numerical value of pricing.

The pricing terms of this value is defined by the field valueType.
valueType string ABSOLUTE

Defines the terms of pricing associated with the value. It can be an absolute value or a percentage.

Value type - Description
ABSOLUTE - Value is an absolute value in the monetary unit defined by the currencyCode.
PERCENTAGE - Value is a percentage.
type string ONE_TIME_CHARGE

Type of charge.

Type - Description
ONE_TIME_CHARGE – An ad-hoc charge.
MONTHLY_CHARGE – A monthly, recurring charge.
MONTHLY_DISCOUNT – A discount that is applied on a recurring, monthly basis.
ONE_TIME_DISCOUNT – A discount that is applied on an ad-hoc basis.
NET_MONTHLY_CHARGE – A monthly net charge, after applied discounts.
NET_ONE_TIME_CHARGE – An ad-hoc net charge, after applied discounts.
TAX – Applicable taxes.
versionNumber string 1 Version number of the quote. The version number is updated when the quote is revised.
details array [objects]

List of quote line details specific to this quote.

Each quote line object contains the following parameters where applicable: lineId, parentLineId, rootLineId, ibx, cage, productDescription, productType, productCode, productName, status, assetizable, lineItemModified, quantity, unitOfMeasure, unitPricing, totalPricing, requestType, additionalInfo.
lineId string 1-2J3PJADP ID of the quote line. Each quote line ID is unique.
parentLineId string 1-2J3PJA23

ID of the parent quote line for lineId.

This is null when the quote line is at the root line level.
rootLineId string 1-2J3PJA4E

ID of the root quote line.

This is the first level (root) quote line.

For example, rootLineId 1-2J3PJA4E is the first-level quote line, parentLineId 1-2J3PJA23 stems from this first-level quote line, and lineId 1-2J3PJADP directly stems from parentLineId .
ibx string DA4 IBX code associated with this quote line.
cage string DA4:12:ABC000 Cage ID associated with this quote line.
productDescription string AC Circuit - Installation Fee Description of the product.
productType string OTHER

Type of product quoted.

Product type - Description
CROSS_CONNECT - Quote for installing cross connections.
SMART_HANDS - Quote for Smart Hands requests.
WORK_VISIT - Quote for scheduled work visits .
SECURITY_ACCESS - Quote for granting or removing security access.
CONFERENCE_ROOM - Quote for conference room reservations.
TROUBLE_TICKET - Quote for trouble tickets.
SHIPMENTS - Quote for inbound or outbound shipments.
NETWORK_PORTS - Quote for network ports.
DEINSTALL_CROSS_CONNECT - Quote for removing cross connections.
OTHER - All other quote types.
productCode string POW00003.NR Equinix product code.
productName string AC Circuit - Installation Fee Product name.
assetizable boolean false

Indicates if the product will be an asset.

If true, the product will be turned into an asset in the Equinix system. If false, otherwise.
lineItemModified boolean true

Indicates if the line item is modified.

If true, quote details are changed. If false, otherwise.

This flag helps you identify provisioned product types for MACD quotes. You can exclude them when you reconcile quote with order line items.

MACD (Modify/Add/Change/Delete) scenarios are orders that describe a move, add, change or disconnection of services or products — for example, modifying existing asset, the addition of new asset, moving installs.
quantity number 1 Numerical quantity of the product in relation to its unit of measurement (field: unitOfMeasure).
unitOfMeasure string EACH

Unit of measurement for the product quantity.

For example, for a product with quantity '1' and unitOfMeasure 'EACH', this means that this quote line pertains to only 1 piece of this product. For a product with quantity '1' and unitOfMeasure 'KVA', this means that this quote line pertains to 1 kilo-volt-ampere of this product.
unitPricing array [objects]

Price per unit of this quote line.

Each unit price object comprises the following fields: value, valueType, type.
value number 0.0

Numerical value of pricing.

The pricing terms of this value is defined by the field valueType.
valueType string ABSOLUTE

Defines the terms of pricing associated with the value. It can be an absolute value or a percentage.

For a description of the available value types, refer to field: totalPricing.valueType.
type string ONE_TIME_CHARGE

Type of charge.

For a description of the available types of charge, refer to field: totalPricing.type.
totalPricing array [objects]

Total price of this quote line.

Each total price object comprises the following fields: value, valueType, type.
value number 0.0

Numerical value of pricing.

The pricing terms of this value is defined by the field valueType.
valueType string ABSOLUTE

Defines the terms of pricing associated with the value. It can be an absolute value or a percentage.

For a description of the available value types, refer to field: totalPricing.valueType.
type string ONE_TIME_CHARGE

Type of charge.

For a description of the available types of charge, refer to field: totalPricing.type.
requestType string UPDATE

Type of quote requested.

Request type - Description
ADD - Adding a product or service.
DELETE - Deleting a product or service.
UPDATE - Updating an existing product or service.
NO_CHANGE - Product or service remains unchanged.
additionalInfo array [objects]

List of any additional details or information related to this quote line.

Each information object comprises the following fields: key, value.
key string Name of the detail in the key-value pair.
value string Value of associated detail in the key-value pair.
quoteRequestType string NEW

Type of available quotes.

For a full list of quote types, see Quote Types in the Appendix.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.