Connect Your Device to Azure ExpressRoute

Azure ExpressRoute Video

Network Edge allows you to connect your virtual device to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute.


Before connecting your device to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute, you must have:

  • An Azure account with Microsoft

  • An ExpressRoute Service Key which is configured in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) portal

  • A provisioned Network Edge device

Connect Single Device to Azure ExpressRoute

  1. Sign in to the Equinix Customer Portal and navigate to Network Edge.
  2. From the Network Edge menu, select Virtual Device Inventory.
  3. Select the device you want to connect to Azure ExpressRoute.
  4. On the details page for your device, click Create Connection.
  5. Click Connect to a Service Provider.
  6. In the search field, enter Azure.
  7. In the Microsoft Azure card, click Select.
  8. In the Azure ExpressRoute card, click Create Connection.
  9. Review the steps for connecting to Azure ExpressRoute, then click Create a Connection to Azure ExpressRoute.
  10. In the Connect Using section, click Virtual Device.
  11. Select a location.
  12. In the Virtual Device Type section, select Virtual Devices.
  13. Select a Connection Type.

Note: Although you can choose to create a single connection, Equinix recommends redundant connections when connecting to Azure ExpressRoute.

  1. Select a virtual device. Only the devices available in the location you selected will display.
  2. Enter your Microsoft Azure Service Key. The available destination locations will display.
  3. Select a destination location.
  4. Click Next: Virtual Connection.
  5. Enter the Primary Connection Name.
  6. Enter the Secondary Connection Name.
  7. Select the Peering Type.
  1. Click Next: Review to review your order.
  2. Click Create Network Service Connection.

Connect Redundant Device to Azure ExpressRoute

  1. Sign in to the Equinix Customer Portal and navigate to Network Edge.
  2. From the Network Edge menu, select Virtual Device Inventory.
  3. Select the device you want to connect to Azure ExpressRoute.
  4. On the details page for your device, click Create Connection.
  5. Click Connect to a Service Provider.
  6. In the search field, enter Azure.
  7. In the Microsoft Azure card, click Select.
  8. In the Azure ExpressRoute card, click Create Connection.
  9. Review the steps for connecting to Azure ExpressRoute, then click Create a Connection to Azure ExpressRoute.
  10. In the Connect Using section, click Virtual Device.
  11. Select a location.
  12. In the Virtual Device Type section, select Redundant Devices.
  13. Select a Connection Type.

Note: Although you can choose to create a single connection, Equinix recommends redundant connections when connecting to Azure ExpressRoute.

  1. Select a virtual device. Only the devices available in the location you selected will display.
  2. Enter your Microsoft Azure Service Key. The available destination locations will display.
  3. Select a destination location.
  4. Click Next: Virtual Connection.
  5. Enter the Primary Connection Name.
  6. Enter the Secondary Connection Name.
  7. Select the Peering Type.
  8. Click Next: Review to review your order.
  9. Click Create Network Service Connection.