Additional Internet Bandwidth

Additional Internet Bandwidth is a charged service that allows users to increase the amount of public internet traffic that flows in and out of an Network Edge device.

Every Network Edge virtual device comes with 15 Mbps of internet bandwidth and a public IP address. Internet bandwidth can only be used for SSH access or as a tunnel endpoint for the purpose of building overlay networks. Internet access via virtual device Internet access is not intended for the Intranet Transit service. If the default 15 Mbps isn't enough, the Additional Internet Bandwidth service can provide the required amount for an additional fee.

Note: DDoS protection is provided on the public IP address that is assigned to the virtual device.

Unless otherwise indicated when configuring your device, the internet traffic uses the same interface as the SSH link, so both use a single, shared public IP address that is issued at the time of device creation. Traffic is treated as best effort and is not guaranteed. For the purpose of measuring it against other traditional internet access services, there is only one charge and selection made for the committed rate. There is no additional burst rate or charge.

When adding internet bandwidth to a redundant device or clustered device, the system doesn’t require you to have the same settings on both devices. Users can add differing amounts to each device. This can be useful if you do not plan to pass traffic over the internet to the secondary device under normal conditions. This might save on expenses, and in an emergency the user can always ramp it up through portal or even create scripts to do so automatically through API when certain conditions are met.

If your use case demands large amounts of traffic and the primary solution fails, you might be bottle-necked and drop packets when traffic shifts to the secondary instance with a smaller internet throughput allowance.

Note: Equinix always recommends that the user maintain equivalent settings on the primary and secondary solutions.