Implement Your Network Edge Solution
Network Edge includes:
Fully automated VNFs environment along with easy-to-order and provision marketplace for industry leading network functions.
A pre-configured, service-ready virtual port into the Equinix Fabric to connect with Cloud and Software Service providers, partners, and to your own infrastructure on Platform Equinix around the globe.
Dedicated 15Mbps Internet connection to access and manage your virtual devices from anywhere through HTTPS, SSH (up to 5 users/devices when using the Equinix-configured deployment option), IPSec VPN, or SD-WAN.
Publicly routable IP space (/32 - one IP address) with the ability to add your own registered public address space through a Network Service Provider (NSP). Several NSPs are available for connection on the Equinix Fabric.
The platform also has a Network Edge device that includes:
A full image of the selected device with a pre-loaded OS from the vendor.
A device license management system that supports your existing license (Bring Your Own License) or a monthly subscription fee (Pay As You Go) model.
VPN, SSH, Access Control List (ACL), and other portal-based services to ensure secure, direct access to your device.
Once a device is activated, use it as the A-end for any connections, just like a physical port.
Network Edge devices can be deployed in 32 global Metro locations.