Reseller Port Management

Internet Exchange resellers can view and manage their own ports and port assignments for their sub-customers (end customers).

View Port Assignments for Resellers and End Customers

You can display your list of Internet Exchange ports in Equinix Customer Portal (ECP) or the Internet Exchange (IX) portal:

  1. Sign into ECP using your reseller or end customer login credentials. Click the global navigation menu at the top left of the window. Select Internet Exchange and click My Ports.

    Alternatively, sign into the IX portal with your reseller or end customer login credentials. Select My Port Traffic and click My Ports.

  2. Your Port Summary displays the ports that you own. The Assignment column indicates whether a reseller or an end customer owns each port:

    • Own – You own this standard Internet Exchange port.

    • From Reseller – Indicates to an end customer that the port is assigned by their reseller.

    • To End Customer – Indicates to a reseller that the port is assigned to their end customer.

    • Unassigned – Indicates to a reseller that the port isn't assigned yet to an end customer, and is available for assignment.

  3. To view details, click a Port Name in the first column. Information about the port traffic is displayed:

    • Resellers can view the details of their own ports, and of the ports assigned to their end customer.

    • End customers can only view the details of their own ports. Information about their reseller's other ports or other end customers is not available.

Assign a Port to an End Customer

As a reseller, you can assign one dedicated Internet Exchange port to each end customer.

Assign Ports to End Customers Video

  1. Sign into Equinix Customer Portal (ECP) using your reseller login credentials.

  2. Click Administration and select Reseller Customer Management.

    The Reseller Customer Management page displays your accounts.

  3. In the Account Name column, click the arrow next to an account to expand the list of your end customers for that account.

  4. Find your end customer in the list and click the ellipsis (...) at the right end of that row. Select Manage Assets.

  5. Click the Assign Internet Exchange Port card.

  6. In the Assign Internet Exchange Port form, you can assign or unassign a dedicated port to your end customer. Select an IBX location and a port. Click Submit, and confirm the assignment.

After a few minutes, the port Assignment is updated. For more information about viewing the updated status, see My Port.

Note: An Internet Exchange port can be assigned to only one end customer at any given time. The same port cannot be assigned to to multiple end customers.