About Internet Exchange

EquinixInternet Exchange (IX) allows networks to exchange internet traffic effectively.

Equinix Internet Exchange Spotlight Video

You can connect with peers through peering sessions and save time by managing your ports directly. The IX portal takes advanced measures to ensure the security of the platform by using the Internet Routing Registry, and by offering BGP-based remotely triggered black hole filtering to stop distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks before they reach your router. This solution spans over 35 peering exchange points around the globe with traffic peaks that exceed 10 terabits per second (Tbps).


Internet Exchange features include:

Supported Browsers

The IX portal can be accessed using the following browsers:

  • Chrome – v81 and v80
  • Firefox – v76 and v68
  • Edge – v81 and v80
  • Safari – v13 and v12

See the Internet Exchange data page for data sheets and peering portal.