IP Blocks
IP blocks allow enterprise customers to procure a public IP address block (/29) from Equinix for Layer 3 cloud services. Equinix-allocated IP blocks can be used for on-premises resource configuration, firewall configuration or NAT to cloud service providers (CSP), which provide public addressing.
To view your IP blocks, from the Inventory menu, select IP Blocks.
Manage your IP Blocks
Each IP block card shows the location to which the block has been assigned and its status. Since you can have only one IP Block per location, there are no sort or filter functions on this page.
Request an IP Block
To request an IP block, click Request Block of IP Addresses. Click a location, then click Request IP Block to submit the request. A notification appears to indicate your request is successful. A new card appears in the inventory with the status Being Provisioned.
Release an IP Block
Equinix-allocated IP addresses can be returned when no longer in use so that they can be recycled. If you no longer want to use a location’s IP block, click Release IP Block on the IP Block card. A message asks you to confirm this action. Once you confirm, a notification appears to indicate your request is successful.