Connect to AWS Direct Connect

To establish connection to AWS:

  1. In the AWS Management Console, copy your account ID by clicking your user name in the top right to display your account ID. go to Support, select Support Center, and find your Account number.

    See also AWS Account ID.

  2. Log in to Equinix Fabric.

  3. From Connections, select Create Connection.

  4. In the A Service Provider card, click Connect to a Service Provider and search for Amazon Web Services.

  5. On the Amazon Web Services card, click Select Service, then click Create Connection (Network Edge Device).

  6. Review the steps for connecting to AWS and click Create a Connection to AWS Direct Connect.

  7. Choose the Origin Metro, Destination Port, and the Equinix Fabric Port.

  8. Enter the connection name, VLAN ID and AWS account number, then choose the connection speed.

  9. Review your information, including email addresses, then click Submit your order.

    The Success message appears and you are sent a confirmation email. Another email arrives letting you know the order is provisioned.

    You can confirm the connection status from the Connections Inventory page.

  10. Accept your Direct Connect Hosted Connection:

    • Using the AWS Direct Connect console:

      1. Click Connections, select your connection and click View details.
      2. Select the charges confirmation checkbox, then click Accept.
    • Using the Equinix Fabric portal:

      1. From the Connections menu, select Connections Inventory.
      2. Locate and click your AWS Direct Connect connection.
      3. Click Accept.
      4. Enter an Amazon Access Key and click Submit.

Tip: You can use Fabric's API to automate or integrate this procedure. For more information, see Equinix Fabric API - Connect to Amazon Web Services.