Connect to AWS Direct Connect (Network Edge Device)

Connect to AWS Direct Connect from a Network Edge virtual device.

Note: For instructions on connecting from a Fabric port, a Fabric Cloud Router, a Metal VLAN, or using a service token, see Connect to AWS Direct Connect (Port, Service Token, Cloud Router, Metal VLAN).


  • An AWS account.

  • An Equinix Fabric account, with the following IAM roles assigned: Fabric Connections Manager.

  • A Network Edge virtual device.

Create a Connection to AWS Direct Connect

To connect to AWS Direct Connect from a Network Edge vritual device:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console, click your username in the top-right corner, then copy your account identifier.

  2. Log in to Equinix Fabric.

  3. Use the Context Switcher and select the project under which you want to create the connection. For more information on projects, see Equinix Identity and Access Management: Projects.

  4. From the Connections menu, select Create Connection.

  5. In the A Service Provider card, click Connect to a Service Provider and search for Amazon Web Services.

  6. On the Amazon Web Services card, click Select Service, then click Create Connection (Network Edge Device).

  7. Review the steps for connecting to AWS and click Create a Connection to AWS Direct Connect.

  8. In the Origin section:

    1. Click Virtual Device.

      Important: If the Virtual Device option is disabled, there are no virtual devices available in the selected project. Choose a different project, that has virtual devices assigned to it, or create a new virtual device in this project.

    2. Select metro.

    3. Choose virtual device type, select connection type, then select a virtual device instance.

  9. In the Destination section choose where you want to connect to, then click Next.

  10. On the Connection Details page:

    1. Enter connection name.

    2. Enter your AWS account identifier.

    3. Select network interface on your virtual device.

    4. Enter purchase order number.

    5. Select connection speed, then click Next.

  11. On the Review page, review your order information, adjust notifications settings, then click Submit Order.

  12. Accept your Direct Connect Hosted Connection:

    • Using the AWS Direct Connect console:

      1. Click Connections, select your connection and click View details.
      2. Select the charges confirmation checkbox, then click Accept.
    • Using the Equinix Fabric portal:

      1. From the Connections menu, select Connections Inventory.
      2. Locate and click your AWS Direct Connect connection.
      3. Click Accept.
      4. Enter an Amazon Access Key and click Submit.

Tip: You can use Fabric's API to automate or integrate this procedure. For more information, see Equinix Fabric API - Connect to Amazon Web Services.

Connect to AWS Using API

You can use Fabric's API to automate this procedure and integrate it with your internal systems. For details, see Connect to Amazon Web Services.