Order New Cross Connects
You can order new cross connects to a service provider in the same IBX data center, or to a different IBX within an Equinix campus. Use this online form to provide information about your A-side and Z-side connections.
Cross Connects Ordering Flow Video
Enter your username and password into the Equinix Customer Portal, and click Sign In.
From the Orders & Tickets menu, choose Cross Connects.
Click Cross Connect from the Interconnection Catalog.
The Cross Connect form is displayed.
Note: This form offers choices based on the assets that are assigned to your organization and account. The values that are displayed are the ones that are available for your situation.
A-side Details
Provide information in the A-side Details section:
Enter a patch panel number. The IBX location information is updated automatically.
Alternatively, you can choose an IBX, a Cage or Suite, and a Cabinet from the drop-down lists.
The A-side location is displayed.
In the Connection Service section:
Choose a Connection Service and a Media Type from the drop-down lists.
If a media converter is required due to the distance of the Cross Connects installation, select whether you want an Equinix technician to provide the service.
Note: Media converters are not used with single-mode fiber (SMF) connections.
Choose a Protocol Type and a Patch Panel from the drop-down lists.
The Patch Panel Options drop-down list provides additional choices:
Create an Occupied Ports Report – Provides a report about the occupied ports in selected patch panels
Select from Visual Patch Panel – Enables you to choose Port A and Port B from a display of the ports on a patch panel
Order a new patch panel – Enables you to order and configure a patch panel
Choose a Connector Type, Port A, and Port B from the drop-down lists. You can assign the ports automatically by choosing Next Available.
If you want Equinix to install the cross connect from the demarcation panel to your equipment, select Patch my equipment.
Choose a Device Cabinet and a Device Connector Type.
Enter any additional Device Details and the Device Port number.
Note: Additional Smart Hands fees are applied for this service.
Z-side Details
Provide information in the Z-side Details section about your Letter of Authorization (LOA):
If you received a Digital LOA token, enter the token code and click Add.
To upload a Letter of Authorization, click Upload File(s). This is the fastest and most accurate way to provide Z-side details. Supported file formats include .pdf, .docx, .gif, .png, and .ppt.
If you enter a Digital LOA token code or upload an LOA, the provider and IBX fields are automatically populated.
Note: An LOA can be used for only one Cross Connects order. However, if a previous order was cancelled, then the LOA that was used in that order can be used again.
Also, the LOA status must not be expired. Instead, it must be available in a ready state. -
If you don't have a Digital LOA token code or an LOA file to upload, you can provide the following information:
In the Provider section, choose a provider from the drop-down list.
If your provider is not listed, click Add New Provider to enter another provider name.
Choose an IBX, a Cage or Suite, and a Cabinet.
The Z-side location is displayed.
In the Patch Panel section, choose a Patch Panel, a Connector Type, and ports A and B.
Provide additional details:
Enter a Circuit ID.
Select a Carrier Circuit delivery date.
Select the option to Notify Z-side upon completion. Enter a Z-side Contact Email address.
Select the option for Cross Connect Light Link Verification.
After the Cross Connects connection is completed, this option provides Light Link reading and a transmit and receive verification. To verify the correct transmit-and-receive alignment, ensure that the Z-side partner has their end fully extended to their equipment, and that their port is enabled. This results in a fixed fee based on your contract pricing.
(Optional) Add Multiple Connections
To add up to 10 connections, click Add Connections.
The Add Multiple Connections form is displayed.
Select the number of connections to add from the Connections quantity drop-down list.
Fields for the additional connections are included. In this example, four connections are added.
Select values for the patch panels, connector types, and ports. You can also select optional choices for a Circuit ID, Light Link Verification, and uploading an LOA. Some values are filled in automatically.
The A-side patch panel selections can't be changed.
When you have provided details for all the additional connections, click Done at the bottom of the Add Multiple Connections form. The details for your connections are displayed in the Standard Cross Connect form.
The new connections can use the same or different patch panels. However, the same scheduling, P.O., and contact information applies to all connections. Diverse Campus Cross Connects, intra-facility cabling, and fast provisioning connection types are not available through multiple connection orders.
To select an interval for your order completion, click a scheduling option:
Flexible – Your order is completed by the date that you specify. Equinix schedules your order as a high priority.
Standard – Your order is completed during a typical installation interval of 1-3 business days. After your order is submitted, you receive a notification with a target installation date.
Expedited – Your order is completed within the next 24 hours or one business day. Approval is required, and additional fees might apply.
The scheduling options might change, based on your choice of Carrier Circuit delivery date in the Z-side Details section.
(Optional) Additional Details, Customer Reference
In the Additional Details section, enter any additional information that might assist the technician in completing your request. For example, payment details could be helpful, or comments for A-side or Z-side providers.
You can upload one or more additional files as attachments.
In the Customer Reference section, add searchable reference information that will also appear in the Order History page. For example, a Purchase Order number or a Purchase Order Exemption form.
Contact Information
In the Technical Contact section, assign yourself or another user as the contact.
If you assign yourself, your contact information is displayed, including your Work Phone. Choose a time period when Equinix can call this number from the drop-down list.
To assign another user as a contact, click Assign another user, then enter their name, email address, and other information.
To select another user from a directory, click Find and select a Technical Contact. Use the filter and search functions to locate the user, then click Done to populate the Technical Contact fields.
In the Notification Contact section, you are automatically assigned as the only contact.
To add one or more users to receive notifications, click Find and select a Notification Contact. Use the filter and search functions to locate the user, then click Done. The user name is added to the Notification Contact list. To add more user names, repeat this step.
To remove a user from the list, click X on the right side of the user entry.
Pricing Information and Approval Signature
Review the Pricing Information section, and select a Pricing Approval Signature option:
I will sign – Select this choice if you want to sign the order quotation online through an emailed link. For more information about e-signatures, see Digital Signatures.
Someone else will sign – Select this choice if someone else must approve this order. Enter their email address. They can sign the order online through an emailed link. Once Equinix receives the authorized signature and reviews the signed order, your order will be processed.
Request Account Support – Select this choice:
If you don't want to sign your order online.
If you want to add multiple orders to your shopping cart.
If you want to place multiple Cross Connects orders from different accounts.
If you would like to work with the Equinix account team regarding your order. They will contact you within a few working days. This approach might require a few weeks for your port to be ready.
Complete the Order
Use the buttons at the bottom of the form to submit the order now. Or, save it or add it to your cart to make more changes and submit later.
Save for Later – You can return to the order later to make changes. You can then duplicate, edit, delete, or move the order to the active cart and submit it. To update an order, click Edit to return to the Cross Connects order form.
Note: Ports are not reserved when you save an order.
Print Pricing Summary – Download the order summary to a PDF.
Add to Cart – If your order is validated, you can add it and continue with other orders, then submit all the active orders in your cart at once. If needed, you can save an active order for later, and make final edits to your orders before submitting them.
Add to Cart is available if you selected Request Account Support and completed the Pricing Approval Signature section.
If you select a Flexible schedule, Add to Cart is not available.
For active cart orders, ports are reserved for 24 hours.
Submit – When your order is complete, submit it for processing and delivery. The Order Confirmation window displays your order number and a summary of the A-side and Z-side details.
Edit Your Shopping Cart
Active and saved items in your cart might display expired, cancelled, locked, or used tokens, expired scheduling dates, and circuit delivery dates. To make updates, click Edit to return to the Cross Connects order form.
To enter a new scheduling date, see Scheduling.
To enter a new circuit delivery date, see step 2 in Z-side Details.
To enter new LOA token information, see step 1 in Z-side Details. For saved or active orders in your cart that use Digital LOAs, these labels include additional considerations:
Duplicate – Not supported for Digital LOA orders.
Expired Token – This Digital LOA order can't be edited. Instead, delete this order from the Cart or it will be deleted automatically after 10 days.
Cancelled, Used, or Locked Token – You can edit these orders in the Cart. An updated message is displayed in the Product Technical Documents parent page with instructions for choosing a different token.