Digital Signatures
Digital signature features are available for some Equinix accounts. For signature-required accounts, the e-Sign and wet-sign signatures can be used to order Cross Connects quickly and efficiently.
Users with Equinix accounts that require customer signatures can select digital signatures when placing Cross Connects orders on Equinix Customer Portal (ECP). Equinix supports the Adobe e-Sign service for these digital signature options:
E-Sign – Users complete the signing process for a quote by entering their digital signature on the digital document. This is the default option for digital signatures.
Wet-sign – Users complete the signing process of a quote by downloading and printing the quote, physically signing it, and uploading the quote for submission.
Options for Signing Cross Connects Orders in ECP
When users submit an order through ECP for Cross Connects, they enter details into the online form and complete the Pricing Approval Signature section.
The following choices for approval signatures are available:
I will sign – Generates and sends the digital signature request email to the user’s email address.
The e-Sign option is the default. However, for a wet signature, choose Print, sign and upload from the Adobe e-Sign Service link Options drop-down list, and click Wet Sign.
Someone else will sign – Generates and sends the digital signature request email to the address that the user enters in the email field.
The e-Sign option is the default. However, for a wet signature, choose Print, sign and upload from the Adobe e-Sign Service link Options drop-down list, and click Wet Sign.
Request Account Support – Generates an order to the Service Desk for follow-up from Equinix Customer Support.
Port Reservation
Each order placed by using a digital signature is valid for 7 days. Also, the ports in the order are reserved for 7 days after the order is placed. If the quote is not signed within 7 days, the order is cancelled, and the reserved ports are released.
For orders placed using digital signature orders, the only scheduling option available is Equinix Standard Scheduling.
Eligible Cross Connects Orders
Digital signatures are available for the following types of Cross Connects orders:
Standard Cross Connects
Multiple Standard Cross Connects in one single order
Intra-Customer Cross Connects
Extended Cross Connects / Extended Fiber Connect
Fiber Cross Connects
Digital signatures for Deinstall Cross Connects orders are not enabled.
Digital signatures for Expedite and Z-Side New Provider orders are not enabled.
Ineligible Accounts
Digital signatures are not available for Equinix accounts from the following countries, due to corporate and Legal reasons:
In addition, digital signatures are not available for some types of Equinix accounts, also due to corporate and Legal reasons:
Masked data accounts
Customers of Equinix resellers