

This page allows you to find information related to all Managed Solutions products you have purchased. You can browse all active products and services in one place with detailed information about current capacity, configuration, and monthly charges.

Here you can identify your products by POF (Product Offering Asset Number) and POE (Product Element Number) as well as the Product Description and location (IBX).

Note: A purchased product (POF) can have multiples elements (POE).

  1. Log in to the Equinix Customer Portal (ECP), navigate to Operations and select Equinix Managed Solutions Portal.

  2. Select the Services tab from the main menu bar and then select Assets Inventory.

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  3. Select the type of product or service to review from the My Services menu panel on the left. A count of active assets appears after each product name. The full asset list displays when a specific Product or Service is selected.

  4. Select any Product Element Number from the list to view additional details. The information displayed on invoices is available to assist with identification. If you have multiple assets, you can use the search, filter, and sort capabilities to locate your asset.

  5. The Asset Details pane displays the current capacity, configuration, and Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC) for the selected Product Element Number.

Click to enlarge

Tip: We recommend including the Equinix product name, asset number and capacity details when communicating with your Equinix Sales account manager about your requests.