Maintenance and Support – EQAP

Handling of Failure

Response and Resolution Times

The standard response and resolution times for failures is handled by priority. This is shown in the table below.

Priority Response Time1 Resolution Time Execution of Work SLA2
P1 < 15 min < 4 hours (Premium) 24 x 7 95 %
< 8 hours (Standard)
P2 < 30 min < 8 hours Service Window 95 %
P3 < 60 min < 24 hours Service Window 95 %

1. Response time is from registering the incident and contacting an Equinix Managed Services specialist.

2. SLA applies to the reaction and resolution time.

Incident Priority Matrix

All incidents are handled based on priority. Priority is determined after the failure has been reported and assessed by Equinix based on the provided information. The urgency of incidents based on impact is depicted in the below table.





  High Medium Low
High P1 P1 P2
Medium P2 P2 P3
Low P3 P3 P3

Impact and Urgency Assessment When Handling Failures

Urgency Impact Description

Unforeseen unavailability of a service / environment delivered and managed by Equinix, in accordance with service description due to a disruption. The user cannot fulfill its obligations towards its users.

The user suffers direct demonstrable damage due to the unavailability of this functionality.

The service must be restored immediately; the production environment(s) is/ are unavailable, with platform-wide disruptions.
Medium The service does not offer full functionality or has partial functionality or a reduced performance, as a result of which the users are impacted. The user suffers direct demonstrable damage due to unavailability of the functionality. The service may be impacted due to limited availability of this functionality. The service must be repaired the same working day; the management environment is not available.
Low The service functions with limited availability for one or more users and there is a workaround in place. The moment of repair of the service is determined in consultation with the reporting person.

This classification does not apply to disruptions that are, for example, caused by user-specific applications, actions by the user, or dependent on third parties.


Scheduled maintenance takes place once a quarter as a standard operation during the specified maintenance window. These events are announced by Equinix change management.

For emergency maintenance, Equinix reserves the right to deviate from the agreements regarding the maintenance windows below. In the above situation, an emergency maintenance request can be scheduled immediately, after which you will be informed when the maintenance will take place.

The standard windows of maintenance are from 00.00 – 07.00 hours on business days, weekends, and holidays; except for that offered for Managed Backup and Application Platform from 08.00 – 18.00 hours.