Service Description

Relations and Dependencies

IPS Backup & Restore

In addition to IPS shared or dedicated, the purchase of a Backup & Restore service may be required. Equinix provides an integrated backup service for IPS consisting of the tools and storage required to recover VM-related data.

IPS Migration

Equinix Managed Services provide a migration service to migrate existing, on-premises VMware-based workloads to IPS. We agree on the chosen connectivity in advance, typically based on internet or private connection.

We deploy multiple Backup proxies to the customer environment and replicate the virtual machines based on VMware snapshots. After completing all initial migrations, we execute a final delta synchronization job at cut-over.

We determine the migration cost based on a price per environment.

Equinix Internet Access

You have the option to connect your IPS environment to external networks. This connectivity is made possible through a service called Equinix Internet Access. This service is essential if you need to connect to different places like your cabinet, another Equinix data center, an on-premises location, a WAN provider, or a combination of these.

You can purchase the service as a redundant connection with a bandwidth of up to 10 Gbps.

Contact your sales representative if you have any questions regarding the use of additional bandwidth or other internet-related services like Managed DDoS Protection or Intrusion Detection/Prevention (IDS/IPS) functionality.

Customer Connect

The Customer Connect service enables you to establish network connectivity between your branch/HQ location and the Equinix IPS service.

Equinix Fabric

Equinix Fabric allows you to connect to one or more Public Cloud Providers (CSP), Network Service Providers (NSP), other Equinix customers (such as your suppliers), or your other Equinix locations around the world. You must install virtual devices that provide BGP-based routing functionalities to establish connections within your IPS platform. Equinix can provide these virtual devices as part of a solution.

Managed Firewall

An optional component of the IPS environment is a Managed Firewall solution called Next Generation Firewall (NGFW). This service offers the following benefits:

  • Enables secure access to the public cloud and other external networks

  • Adds intrusion prevention functions to the IPS platform

  • Transfers the management of firewall operations to Equinix

The Managed Firewall service offers several key features, including:

  • Firewalling - protection against unauthorized access and threats

  • Routing - efficient directing of network traffic

  • NAT (Network Address Translation) - mapping of IP addresses for communication

  • VPN (Virtual Private Network) - secure remote access to the network

  • Intrusion Prevention -detection and prevention of unauthorized activities

  • Simple load-balancing - distributing network traffic evenly for optimal performance

IPS Integrated Backup

IPS is fully integrated with the Managed Backup product, which uses best-in-class Backup and Replication technology.

Customers can request backup jobs and schedules for their virtual workloads as well as restores.

To ensure comprehensive data protection, customers can acquire backup and object storage, with a license assigned per protected object or virtual machine (VM).


Below is an outline of the responsibilities for the platform's provisioning, installation, and operation.

Functionality Shared Dedicated
VM – Power On / Off / Reset Y Y
VM – Console Y Y
VM – Create / Remove / Revert / Snapshots   Y

VM – Create / Delete / Rename

VM – Change Settings

VM – Assign Network

VM – Disk Create / Resize / Delete

VM – Template Management


Host – Power On / Off / Reboot

Host – Maintenance

Host – Create / Edit Resource Pool

Host – Create / Edit vApps



Operational Management Equinix Customer
Functional management of the customer environment within the service (overall)   R
Monitoring and maintenance of the underlying components of the service provided R  
Operation of Integrated Backup Functions (schedule etc.) R  
Management of “Managed Backup” Product (where applicable) R  
Management of the Shared Management service layer R  

Service Requests

You can request the following standard changes through the Equinix Managed Services Customer Portal as a service request. Basic requests are included in the cost of IPS.

Request Name Description Included/Additional
Expand storage Increase the quota of a storage tier Included
Expand compute capacity Expand the CPU Capacity (where applicable) Included
Whitelist IP Add IP to trusted range for Management Included
Add/Delete User Add user to vCenter portal Included
VM and Network Configuration changes Create, add, modify VMs and Networks within the environment Additional
All Other Configuration Changes Make bespoke service requests and determine and approve the associated cost. Additional