Power Consumption Report Column Definitions
The data shown in the Power Consumption Report is aggregated to the selected Hierarchy level. For example, if you select Cage as the Hierarchy level, each row in the output report represents one day's data aggregated to the cage level. To see more granular data for each individual cabinet, circuit and meter, you must select those as the Hierarchy level for the report.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
Date | Cage Asset # | IBX | Cage | Cage Serial # | Usable kVA | Draw Cap / PEC Cap | Primary Draw (kVA) | Redundant Draw (kVA) | Average Draw (kVA) | Daily Peak Draw (kVA) | Average 30 day Peak Draw (kVA) | Average 30 day Peak Draw kVA-to-Draw/PEC Cap % | Total kWh |
The Date on which the readings are recorded. Each row of data corresponds to the daily values for each of the columns. |
The Cage Asset Number is generated by Equinix back-office systems. It is a unique number assigned to a specific cage. |
The IBX is the data center in which the cage is located. | The Cage is the ID of the physical location where the cage is located. |
The Cage Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems at the individual cage contract level and is tied to the Draw Cap of that contract. A Cage can have multiple Cage Serial Numbers depending on the number of active contracts. |
The Usable kVA is the total maximum allowable draw of all installed primary circuits in the cage. | The Draw Cap is contractual kVA limit established per Cage Serial Number. |
The Primary Draw (kVA) is the average kVA collected throughout the day at the Cage Serial Number level. Data is aggregrated from primary circuits and power meters. |
The Redundant Draw (kVA) is the average kVA collected throughout the day at the Cage Serial Number level. Data is aggregrated from redundant circuits. |
The Average Draw (kVA) is the sum of the Primary Draw (kVA) and Redundant Draw (kVA) for each day. |
The Daily Peak Draw (kVA) is determined in the following manner:
For example, where there are 15-min readings collected throughout the day, there would be 96 readings in total for that day and the highest reading is captured as the Daily Peak Draw (kVA). |
The Average 30 Day Peak Draw (kVA) is the average of the Daily Peak Draw (kVA) values over the past 30 days. For example, on May 30th, the Average 30 Day Peak Draw (kVA) value would be the average of the Daily Peak Draw (kVA) values from May 1st to 30th. |
The ratio of the Average 30 day Peak Draw (kVA) to Draw Cap for the given date expressed as a percentage. | The Total kWh is the aggregated daily kWh of each primary/redundant circuit and power meter within the cage. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O |
Date | IBX | Cage | Cage Serial # | Cabinet | Customer Cabinet Ref. No. | Usable kVA Installed | Primary Draw (kVA) | Redundant Draw (kVA) | Average Draw (kVA) | Average Draw kVA-to-Usable kVA Installed % | Daily Peak Draw (kVA) | Average 30 day Peak Draw (kVA) | Average 30 day Peak Draw kVA-to-Usable kVA Installed % | Total kWh |
The Date on which the readings are recorded. Each row of data corresponds to the daily values for each of the columns. |
The IBX is the data center in which the cage is located. | The Cage is the ID of the physical location where the cage is located. |
The Cage Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems at the individual cage contract level and is tied to the Draw Cap of that contract. A Cage can have multiple Cage Serial Numbers depending on the number of active contracts. |
The Cabinet is the ID of the physical location where the cabinet is located. | The Customer Cabinet Ref. No. is the Cabinet ID defined by the customer in Equinix back-office systems. | The Usable kVA is the total maximum allowable draw of all installed primary circuits in the cabinet. |
The Primary Draw (kVA) is the average kVA collected throughout the day at the Cage Serial Number level. Data is aggregated from primary circuits and power meters. |
The Redundant Draw (kVA) is the average kVA collected throughout the day at the Cage Serial Number level. Data is aggregated from redundant circuits. |
The Average Draw (kVA) is the sum of the Primary Draw (kVA) and Redundant Draw (kVA) for each day. | The ratio of the Average Draw (kVA) to Usable kVA Installed for the given date expressed as a percentage. |
The Daily Peak Draw (kVA) is determined in the following manner:
For example, where there are 15-min readings collected throughout the day, there would be 96 readings in total for that day and the highest reading is captured as the Daily Peak Draw (kVA). |
The Average 30 Day Peak Draw (kVA) is the average of the Daily Peak Draw (kVA) values over the past 30 days. For example, on May 30th, the Average 30 Day Peak Draw (kVA) value would be the average of the Daily Peak Draw (kVA) values from May 1st to 30th. |
The ratio of the Average 30 day Peak Draw (kVA) to Usable kVA Installed for the given date expressed as a percentage. | The Total kWh is the aggregated daily kWh of each primary/redundant circuit and power meter within the cage. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |
Date | IBX | Cage | Cage Serial # | Cabinet | Customer Cabinet Ref. No. | Circuit Serial # | Electrical Panel | Circuit # | Pri / Red | Asset Description | Sold Amp | Breaker Amp | Usable kVA | Breaker kVA | Draw Amp | Draw kVA | Draw-to-Usable kVA % | Draw-to-Breaker kVA % | kWh |
The Date on which the readings are recorded. Each row of data corresponds to the daily values for each of the columns. |
The IBX is the data center in which the cage is located. | The Cage is the ID of the physical location where the cage is located. |
The Cage Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems at the individual cage contract level and is tied to the Draw Cap of that contract. A Cage can have multiple Cage Serial Numbers depending on the number of active contracts. |
The Cabinet is the ID of the physical location where the cabinet is located. | The Customer Cabinet Ref. No. is the Cabinet ID defined by the customer in Equinix back-office systems. | The Circuit Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems. |
The Electrical Panel is the point at which power is measured. |
The Circuit Number indicates the circuit position on the Electrical Panel. |
Indicates whether the circuit is Primary or Redundant type. | The Asset Description displays the amperage, voltage and phase of the circuit. |
The Sold Amp represents the amperage that is sold for each circuit. |
The Breaker Amp represents the maximum amperage the circuit is rated for. |
The Usable kVA is the total maximum allowable draw of each circuit based on the Sold Amp. | The Breaker kVA is the total maximum draw of each circuit based on the Breaker Amp. | The Draw Amp is the average amperage value collected throughout the day for each circuit. | The Draw kVA is the average kVA collected throughout the day for each circuit. | The ratio of the Draw kVA to the Usable KVA for the given date expressed as a percentage. | The ratio of the Draw KVA to the Breaker KVA for the given date expressed as a percentage. | The kWh is the aggregated kWh collected throughout the day for each circuit. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |
Date | IBX | Cage | Cage Serial # | Cabinet | Customer Cabinet Ref. No. | Used for Billing | Asset Type | Asset Serial # | Electrical Asset | Circuit # | Metered At | Pri / Red | Asset Description | Sold Amp | Breaker Amp | Usable kVA | Breaker kVA | Draw Amp | Draw kVA | Draw-to-Usable kVA % | Draw-to-Breaker kVA % | kWh |
The Date on which the readings are recorded. Each row of data corresponds to the daily values for each of the columns. |
The IBX is the data center in which the cage is located. | The Cage is the ID of the physical location where the cage is located. |
The Cage Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems at the individual cage contract level and is tied to the Draw Cap of that contract. A Cage can have multiple Cage Serial Numbers depending on the number of active contracts. |
The Cabinet is the ID of the physical location where the cabinet is located. | The Customer Cabinet Ref. No. is the Cabinet ID defined by the customer in Equinix back-office systems. |
Indicates if the asset's power consumption data is used for billing. If a circuit is covered by an associated power meter that is used for billing instead, it will say "No" for the circuit. Filter for "Yes" in this column to see all relevant circuits and power meters used for billing. |
Indicates the asset type. |
The Asset Serial Number is an unique identifier generated by Equinix back-office systems. |
The Electrical Asset is the point at which power is measured. | The Circuit Number indicates the circuit position on the Electrical Asset. This column is not applicable for power meters. |
For a circuit that is covered by a power meter, Metered At indicates the Asset Serial Number of the associated power meter. This column is not applicable for power meters. |
Indicates whether the circuit is Primary or Redundant type. This column is not applicable for power meters. |
The Asset Description displays the amperage, voltage and phase of the circuit. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The Sold Amp represents the amperage that is sold for each circuit. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The Breaker Amp represents the maximum amperage the circuit is rated for. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The Usable kVA is the total maximum allowable draw of each circuit based on the Sold Amp. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The Breaker kVA is the total maximum draw of each circuit based on the Breaker Amp. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The Draw Amp is the average amperage value collected throughout the day for each circuit or power meter. | The Draw kVA is the average kVA collected throughout the day for each circuit or power meter. | The ratio of the Draw kVA to the Usable KVA for the given date expressed as a percentage. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The ratio of the Draw KVA to the Breaker KVA for the given date expressed as a percentage. This column is not applicable for power meters. | The kWh is the aggregated kWh collected throughout the day for each circuit or power meter. |