IBX Cleaning and Waste Removal Services
Equinix and our customers work together to maintain a clean, safe, and professional environment at each IBX.

Our policies on cleaning and waste removal include:
Equinix maintains the common areas within the data center to be clean and free from waste.
You are required to keep your contracted space (Secure Cabinet, Private Cage, Business Suite, and/or Data Halls) clean and free from waste.
You should not take boxes, paper, or cardboard into your colocation space. Paper and other combustible materials cannot be stored in the colocation area.
Waste receptacles are available at each data center.
Waste cannot be left in any area of the colocation space or IBX, other than within the designated unpacking area and the waste receptacles.
If you have any hazardous waste, or a large volume of non-hazardous waste (such as cardboard), you must either:
Promptly remove it from the site (on the same day the waste is generated) and dispose of it appropriately.
Promptly request assistance from Equinix (see Enhanced Services and Specialized Services below).
Optionally, you can request Equinix to handle the cleaning and waste removal for your contracted space.
Tip: For full policy information, refer to our Global IBX Policies. For details about our Flammable Material Removal Policy and how to comply, refer specifically to section D.2.

Note: The availability of services may vary by region and IBX.

These services are included at no charge:
Daily emptying of small waste receptacle. The receptacle should be placed outside the cage/suite area for service. For colocation spaces, the small waste receptacle should contain only non-combustible cabinet-type waste (such as cables).
Removal of light packaging.
Note: You should unpack your equipment in the deboxing room (or other designated unpacking area). Up to two empty boxes (or more at the discretion of the IBX Manager) can be left in the unpacking area for removal by Equinix. For larger amounts of packaging/waste, see Enhanced Services below.
Maintaining the common areas within the data center to be clean and free from waste.

Enhanced services can be ordered through Smart Hands. They are billed in 30-minute increments, or quoted based on the size of the area and the estimated time to perform the service. These services are available on an ad hoc or recurring basis.
Important: To request the following services, submit a Cage Cleanup order in Smart Hands.
Disposal of:
Large amounts of waste
Other materials not included in Standard services
Surface cleaning of:
Cage walls
Deep cleaning service of:
Under floor (where applicable)
Above ceiling (where applicable)

Specialized services are billable. You can request the following services through your CSM or by submitting a custom order to the Equinix Smart Build team (subject to agreement by Equinix).
Removal and safe disposal of:
WEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
Any extra cleaning services beyond our Enhanced services