Secure Cabinet Express
Secure Cabinet Express is our business-ready cabinet with the most frequently deployed cabinet specifications. It includes an Equinix-supplied cabinet with 1200 mm minimum depth to accommodate most equipment needs.
Tip: For more customized cabinet solutions, see Secure Cabinet With kVA-Based Power and Secure Cabinet - Using Customer-Provided Cabinet.
Secure Cabinet Express is designed to suit your changing digital infrastructure requirements through Equinix’s selection of optimal product configurations (cabinet, electrical circuits, and cabinet mounted PDUs). The standardized cabinet is interconnection ready with internal configuration flexibility.
It can be purchased by existing and new customers through a simplified ordering process.
You can order more than one Secure Cabinet Express in an IBX, and those cabinets may or may not be installed in the same secure area. Multiple Secure Cabinet Express cabinets installed in the same secure area will have an aggregate draw cap.
Benefits offered are:
Effective and straightforward configuration options
Pre-approved capacity, so that Equinix is ready for service immediately when an order is available
N+1 redundancy in the standardized circuit pair, to ensure that your cabinets always have power
Note: Equinix performs all installations of cabinets and power circuits.